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testdasi Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:56:53
This is the corn I thought was a standard Amel.
Today, upon closer inspection, the part I thought was "white" turned almost gray with almost a tint of purple or something. Some other "white" is actually bright yellow.

I am both worried and excited at the same time:

a)Is there something wrong with my snake??? . Did it skin just turned "transparent" for some reasons and what I'm seeing is the exposed flesh or something?

b)It doesn't look like any morph I saw in the book. Sort of like a cross between hypo (gray saddle border) and amel (red eye). Is it even possible?

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
testdasi Posted - 18/02/2011 : 23:35:47
LOL :D I just wanted to show the head, body and a magnified part so I put all into 1 pic. :D LOL :D
Sta~ple Posted - 17/02/2011 : 19:01:23
Originally posted by Louise32

OMG, I thought you'd cut it's head off!!

I thought that... and other parts of the bosu made me not sure if the OP was being serious or not XD
lotabob Posted - 17/02/2011 : 18:52:42
Your little baby is growing up and developing an adult pattern.
a33272 Posted - 17/02/2011 : 11:24:20
me to lou i though it had been chopped up in to pieces
Invalid User Posted - 17/02/2011 : 11:18:09
OMG, I thought you'd cut it's head off!!
a33272 Posted - 17/02/2011 : 10:39:01
ya snake skins gone more that transparent its gone invisable in places !!!!!!
testdasi Posted - 17/02/2011 : 07:43:57
Thanks. I thought she was gonna die or something. Guess cuz I never seen changing skin color like that.
thistle Posted - 17/02/2011 : 01:34:57
Sorry, but it looks exactly the same as my amel.

Still gorgeous though.
mikerichards Posted - 16/02/2011 : 22:03:57
You mean like a HypoMel??
Yours is an amel, a high white one at that, possibly even reverse okeetee. nothing wrong with it. As it gets bigger, the white parts will get whiter.

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