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 temps at night

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
noola Posted - 16/02/2011 : 14:20:05
Hi i am getting perfect temps in day 28-29 in hot area, but over night it is falling to sometimes 16 17 degrees is this to low for my baby. He seems fine and eats brill.He is in a faun with heat matt underneath and kitchen towel and newspaper for substate.
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gmac Posted - 16/02/2011 : 19:36:24
do you turn the mat off at night, the heating should be on all the time so your temps should make that dramatic a change.

What are you using to monitor the temps
n/a Posted - 16/02/2011 : 15:18:28
I would hope its refering to the cold side, and its probably due to ambient temp of the room its in. I know my cold end fluctualtes less dramatically, dependant on what temp in the house is etc.
Invalid User Posted - 16/02/2011 : 15:05:08
Do you mean the warm side is dropping to 16c at night or the cool side?

The heatmat when attached to a thermostat should keep an almost constant heat day and night. Are you turning the heat mat off at night? I can't understand how it would drop so low with the heat mat still on. I have fauns with heat mats underneath and kitchen roll substrate and my warm sides are between 28-30c day and night.

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