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georgecorn Posted - 16/02/2011 : 09:28:37
hi i got a baby corn snake set up all ok i got giving a 5ft corn snake with a tank and a heat mat with it but nothing elso i have put aspen down a few hides around the tank a 2.0% uvb bulb in tank do i need to put any think elso in as still lreaning on them
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikerichards Posted - 17/02/2011 : 19:53:56
Originally posted by georgecorn

Ta iv moved the mat to the base of viv, and the light too thanks.
She seems to be happy now, well better then the last home she had! Thanks all for the info.

Fixed it for you!
georgecorn Posted - 17/02/2011 : 19:18:10
georgecorn Posted - 17/02/2011 : 10:55:59
ta iv moved the mat to the base of viv and the light thanks she seems to b happy now well better then her last home she had thanks all for the info
lotabob Posted - 16/02/2011 : 19:21:49
I really don't want to sound rude but its really difficult to help when we can't actually work out what your saying. I do understand that there are circimstances where people struggle to put what they are thinking into words. We are not looking for perfect grammar and spelling but some punctuation and flow is required.

Littlemick put together a setting up an adult guide,up,an,adult

In all honesty the setup required is the same as the hatchling, just scaled up to an appropriate size.

Hatchling setup 101

a33272 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 19:11:24
Originally posted by georgecorn

thanks what lighting should i put in its place if need to got a stat on it atm i put on

doesnt need any specific lighting just normal daylight from outside is enough
kdlang Posted - 16/02/2011 : 18:50:17
Originally posted by georgecorn

thanks for the info just was not sure on the full set up on the viv as the baby is in a rub and the shop i got the baby from sold the set up what i needed for him its the 5 foot 1 that i was not 100% sure on the tank set up as i have reptiles and snakes are a new thing to my hobbies lol was take is 2ft that she came in looking at weekend to buy bigger 1 or build heat mate is inside on the side and i had to put my spear stat on as she dint have 1 on it and the uv light i was told to have a 2% 1 but not 100% on that atm

Took a while to decipher that but picked up on this. The heatmat needs to go on the base of the viv not on the side as it is designed to heat what it is touching not the air.

There is a fab sticky somewhere about setting up an adult corn.
georgecorn Posted - 16/02/2011 : 18:48:28
thanks what lighting should i put in its place if need to got a stat on it atm i put on
mikerichards Posted - 16/02/2011 : 16:01:23
Originally posted by georgecorn

thanks for the info just was not sure on the full set up on the viv as the baby is in a rub and the shop i got the baby from sold the set up what i needed for him its the 5 foot 1 that i was not 100% sure on the tank set up as i have reptiles and snakes are a new thing to my hobbies lol was take is 2ft that she came in looking at weekend to buy bigger 1 or build heat mate is inside on the side and i had to put my spear stat on as she dint have 1 on it and the uv light i was told to have a 2% 1 but not 100% on that atm

Myyyy eyes!
I nearly died reading that!
You don't need a uv light at all, petshop advice should mostly be ignored, so from now, forget what they told you. There is plenty of info on here in the stickies for setting up a viv, mostly I think your on the right track, add a stat and you'll be flying in no time.
georgecorn Posted - 16/02/2011 : 15:17:15
got a digital thermometer hot end at 29 and the other end is 21 got water bowl in is it worth doing away with heat mat and get a Ceramic bulb with guard
georgecorn Posted - 16/02/2011 : 15:03:41
i wood up load photos but new to this how do ya
georgecorn Posted - 16/02/2011 : 14:57:37
thanks for the info just was not sure on the full set up on the viv as the baby is in a rub and the shop i got the baby from sold the set up what i needed for him its the 5 foot 1 that i was not 100% sure on the tank set up as i have reptiles and snakes are a new thing to my hobbies lol was take is 2ft that she came in looking at weekend to buy bigger 1 or build heat mate is inside on the side and i had to put my spear stat on as she dint have 1 on it and the uv light i was told to have a 2% 1 but not 100% on that atm
a33272 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:49:43
yeah lol im guessing the baby is in a faun or rub, so proberly unsure as to how to set up a full size enclosure
Invalid User Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:40:23
Originally posted by a33272

awww poor louise lol i read it as he has a baby an has been given a 5ft

The reason im confused is that they say the baby is set up fine, so just curious as to why they are not sure how to set up the adults tank, if you get what I mean

a33272 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:35:20
awww poor louise lol i read it as he has a baby an has been given a 5ft
Invalid User Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:32:09
I'm a bit confused (happens alot to me lol) do you have a baby snake and a 5ft adult snake?
a33272 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 10:21:19
ok soooooo bit more info on set up would help here, few things to start
-how big is mat, is it 1/3-1/4 size of bottom of tank
-is mat inside ot outside
-is mat in a stat
-do u have digital thermometer
-what temps are u running at
-why the uv is it bulb or tube. corns dont need uv
-is there a water bowl

picstures might help

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