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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 20:31:50
Hiya.Noticing a few I ok to keep him on a maize type stuff?? It was suggested by the chap in the reptile dept.Also, is it only when shedding do i spray him or can i do it often???
Hes not been here long,7 months,and he belongs to a friend who cant have him in her accomodation.Im keen to do the right thing by him.
I have an excellent vet, no worries there.This chap is an exotic vet, works at a zoo and looks after my buns and birdie,Ruby.
Many thanks.If you can do any pointers,Id be grateful.Glad i found you!!
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Evie123 Posted - 17/02/2011 : 11:11:30
Oh,Im sorry about your buns.If you see me on there though, do say hi.xxxx
thistle Posted - 17/02/2011 : 01:06:01
Im thistle on that too, I'm more of a lurker on there though and don't tend to post very much, particularly since both my buns died last year.

I just like to do my nosey in General Chat every so often to see what everyone is up to.
Evie123 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 22:14:12
Good old Ruby.May I ask who you are on RU??
thistle Posted - 16/02/2011 : 18:10:02
Thought I recognised you from RU. It was the African grey called Ruby that did it.
Evie123 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 14:20:23
YES Thistle!!! I am on RU!!!!!!!
and yes, that is Ruby in the background!!!
kdlang Posted - 16/02/2011 : 09:34:11
Originally posted by Evie123

So I noticed!!!
Hes pooped today, after I cleaned him out!! A fresh viv too!! Tsk!!
He eats every 5-7 days, and funnily enough, isnt always in his hidey.

At 3 foot, is he big enough to hurt anything?? If he gets away, would he harm my nethie dwarf rabbit?? I have 2 in my bedroom.Just covering every aspect here......
I daresay he wouldnt have a chance against my cats or parrot.......I am ultra careful though.......

Thats just typical. If you ever want to make sure your snakie is pooping ok either get them out for a roam on your bed or put them in a nice clean viv lol.

At 3 ft I would say feeding every 7 days will be sufficient
thistle Posted - 16/02/2011 : 02:23:24
He's lovely and i take it thats your African grey whistling in the background. Lol!

I think your rabbits are safe, I suppose if he was fully grown he could theoretically constrict them. However, they only do that with prey and, although some corns eyes are bigger than their stomachs, I very much doubt he would ever see something as big as a rabbit as dinner (an extra large mouse is pretty much their limit), to be honest he's probably more at risk from them kicking out at him. Rabbits are pretty nervy though so he most likely will spook them, better to keep them apart.

Do you by any chance go on Rabbit United forum?
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:50:23
Cheers.youve been most helpful.
lotabob Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:48:18
Its very unlikely they could eat/swallow a dwarf rabbit but as for taking one down, its possible I suppose but unlikely, they eat mice, rats, small rodents maybe a bird. I'm not 100% sure how small a dwarf rabbit is, I've always had lops.
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:45:49

just so you can have a peep at him!!!

*fixed video link*
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:42:24
So I noticed!!!
Hes pooped today, after I cleaned him out!! A fresh viv too!! Tsk!!
He eats every 5-7 days, and funnily enough, isnt always in his hidey.

At 3 foot, is he big enough to hurt anything?? If he gets away, would he harm my nethie dwarf rabbit?? I have 2 in my bedroom.Just covering every aspect here......
I daresay he wouldnt have a chance against my cats or parrot.......I am ultra careful though.......
lotabob Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:33:54
It depends in what way they were poorly. Its just like any animal really, learning to read the signs. You would know if they were impacted due to a lack of poop but they sometimes hold onto it anyway for a week or two, I personally would only think there may be a problem if after 2 weeks you was still without poo, then a warm bath usually solves that problem but there are stickies on that too.
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:24:20
Thanks for your help.I think I have most of it right so far.Rachel his owner, my vet and books have been useful, but I like forums.I go on a parrot and bunny one!!
We have a heat mat, thermostats and a light.The mice are frozen and I defrost in hot water..I was told by Rach to do that.He eats well, but didnt at first.Would strike, but discovered he was upset by the move, he didnt have a mat and was also going to shed.We did have fun the first few weeks!!
How would i know if he is poorly?? or constipated????
lotabob Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:15:56
I wouldn't spray him at all, more often than not they hate it and its not required, they are not a tropical snake they don't need high humidity. A little bit of damp moss may help at shedding time but for most even that is not required, house humidity is normally at their preferred humidity levels.

You haven't said anything about the setup so just a few general pointers.
*All heat sources (mat/lamp) MUST be controlled by a thermostat.
*Digital thermometers are a must for monitoring the hot end temperatures/dial thermometers are rubbish.
*fresh water every day.
*Mice should be no more than 1.5 times the thickness of the snake at its thickest point.

Thats by no means everything. The stickies (subjects stuck to the top of each subject) on here are great, have a read through them for lots of information on things you need to know and things you may encounter.
Sta~ple Posted - 15/02/2011 : 22:04:28
Yes, Maize is fine I used to house mine on it :) Looks like the best substrate but definitely not the cheapest for when some others can do the job, don't let shops talk you into anything though they will tell you anything for you to spend some cash.

You don't need to spray while in shed unless you know the snake is a problem shedder. Supposedly you spray after their eyes go blue and clear up like once a day if they do have problems.
Evie123 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 20:58:50
He has shed 3 times in 7 months....just to add.He has a large bowl of water at all times, but rarely goes in.dont know how to edit.

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