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 Exo Terra Waterfall

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danny28490 Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:08:09
Hey guys just want to ask before i get my hopes up is it safe to have a Exo Terra Natural Waterfall in a viv with my corn snake, looks pretty cool and snaky will hopefully like it
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a33272 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 17:52:02
Originally posted by Katie.Dublin

How would it cause humidity issues any more than a water bowl though??

its moving water
Katie.Dublin Posted - 15/02/2011 : 17:48:14
How would it cause humidity issues any more than a water bowl though??
oakleyman18 Posted - 15/02/2011 : 14:44:26
I have one of these in my BRB's Viv, but even though she's not small, she's about 3ft, she still manages to squeeze inside it from time to time, and i have to leave it for a day or two for her to come out (she's much stronger than a corn and I can't get her out!)

But yeah, with corns, most likely to cause humidity issues..
Katie.Dublin Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:31:52
It didn't occur to me as a safety issue, just an incinvienience! Maybe I'm wrong though
danny28490 Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:28:12
they look so cool but if its not gonna be safe for the snake then ah well :-( another idea out the window :-(
Katie.Dublin Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:25:37
Mine was a disaster!! The snake constantly went up inside it for days! I know they like to hide away but I literally might as well have not had a snake at all! And when I tried it in the dragons viv, the crickets started drowning in it, and floating around:p
I do have the base if it turned upside down now though and propped up with the other removable rocky bits as a hide so it's not all bad. I have no use for the bit with the motor and plumbing part though. Might make a nice relaxing desk feature....? :p
danny28490 Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:23:13
just before i give up hope, here's a link to one

and also the water would be changed daily same as his water bowl is. thought it was too cool to be safe for the snake.
herriotfan Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:18:09
As well as increasing the humidity they harbour germs because it's the same stale water going round and round. A small snake could get stuck in them. Not a good idea basically! Sorry.
danny28490 Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:16:40
Thats what i was worried about if it goes on the cool side near a vent you think it would make alot of difference then a large water bowl?
a33272 Posted - 14/02/2011 : 22:13:51
may cause humidity issues, as a waterfall will raise the humidity

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