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 Frozen Mice?

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liesela Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:29:09
Does anyone have advice on where to buy mice online? Everywhre I've looked they charge like £9.99 or more for delivery which defeats the purpose of cheap mice!
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Kehhlyr Posted - 14/02/2011 : 01:10:45
I worked out how much it costs me per month for foods from my local place.
It worked out at £50.36p for 68 prey items. With TSM I can get 110 prey items for 56 quid delivered. So for about 6 quid more, I can get 42 more prey items and have them delivered.

I wonder what makes sense for me to do............
n/a Posted - 13/02/2011 : 23:37:53 get my reccomendation for both decent customer service via email and telephone and level of service and delivery when ordering.
Sta~ple Posted - 13/02/2011 : 23:33:37
I've been eyeing up TSM... A&N I would need to order stupid amounts for it to work for me XD
n/a Posted - 13/02/2011 : 23:29:23
I found customer service absolutely crap. They didn't answer emails or phone calls.
eeji Posted - 13/02/2011 : 22:31:41
Originally posted by TimClynes

I buy frozen mice (large) 10 at a time from the local garden centre, Stephen H Smith, Bolton, they cost less han a £1 each. That's 4 months worth.

i wish 10 mice lasted me 4 months!
n/a Posted - 13/02/2011 : 21:22:49
I buy frozen mice (large) 10 at a time from the local garden centre, Stephen H Smith, Bolton, they cost less han a £1 each. That's 4 months worth.
SexyBear77 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 21:22:22
Originally posted by eeji

A&N Frozen get my recommendation, ignore the 'high' delivery price, the low price of the mice balances it all out.

Second this 100%!
eeji Posted - 13/02/2011 : 18:53:55
A&N Frozen get my recommendation, ignore the 'high' delivery price, the low price of the mice balances it all out.
lotabob Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:52:22
One snake eating a pinkie every 5 days will only eat 73 in a year not taking into consideration double feeding as it gets bigger and the fact pinkies aren't suitable after a few months as they get too big for them. They will outgrow pinkies quite quickly and freezing is all good for a few months but freezer burn will reduce the quality of the food if kept frozen for longer than this. For the amount you require bulk buying wouldn't really save you any money as your snakes just couldn't eat them quick enough.

Just a thought.
scubadude Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:49:44
I've used both TSM and rs reptiles and can recommend both
liesela Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:34:43
Between 50 and 100. pinkies, I'm trying to get med and large ones cos I think Mytika's grown enough to move onto the larger ones so I want to get the usual size plus 10 - 25 of the larger ones.
gmac Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:31:40
how many mice are you buying as there will be very few delivering free, most will charge a delivery.

TSM reptiles and a and n are a few

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