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 mat stat fluctuating??

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esox Posted - 12/02/2011 : 16:43:19
is this normal, and will it do the snake any harm?

it goes off at 29.1c and come back on at around 27.4c

is this ok? I know that is basically it's job to regulate the heat the mat gives out, but will a small drop in temp be harmful to the snake?

snake seems to be ok, yesterday he spent the day in his hide in the warm area, this morning when I woke up he was under the water bowl in the middle of the RUB.

thanks for any advice.
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eeji Posted - 13/02/2011 : 13:04:20
it all depends on your setup where you place the stat probe and thermometer probe. In my set up the stat probe goes directly on the heat source (outside the tubs) and the thermometer probe inside where the snakes are. This is the reason I totally ignore the (prbably wrong) temperatures that are printed on the stat and take measurements from the thermometer
Kehhlyr Posted - 13/02/2011 : 03:40:16
Ambient temps wont make any odds to the measurement of temp via probe on mat that's on bottom of a viv under 1/2 inch of substrate. If the probe was resting on the surface of the substrate then yes it could, which is why I normally would say to get the probe as close to the mat as possible.

You REALLY don't wanna start getting into the testing of digi thermometers.
I started that a while back and about 70 quid later am still going.

Digi probed thermometers will give the ideal temp measure with a 'permanent' fixture into the viv. The only real way IMO to get it bang on accurate is to spend around 30-50 quid for a thermometer PER VIV and install what should be a handheld temperature sensor into a permanent position in each viv/rub/faun.
This is something that is both stupidly expensive and near on impossible, so digi probed thermometers when tied to stat probes will give best temp results with a fairly low price.
n/a Posted - 12/02/2011 : 23:27:31
Just a quick addition, everyone goes wild about best way to take temps, Digi-thermometers being the GOD of temp checking.

Classic example of variation in temp readings is when u take the temp of a human being in various places and with differing assessment tools - each siteand equipment used usually has a +/- oC adendum.

Given that Stat temp probe and digi-thermometer probe are not containined within the mat surely they will be reacting to amient temp as well as that coming from the heat mat. Any opinions ?
esox Posted - 12/02/2011 : 18:52:39
cheers for the advice, put my mind at rest knowing the little fella will be ok.
lotabob Posted - 12/02/2011 : 18:47:56
Originally posted by Kehhlyr

To be honest the entire point of a stat is not so much to keep it around a certain temperature but is to stop the mat overheating.
It's designed to turn the mat off when it reaches temp X and when it detects that it's dropped below that temp it allows it to heat back up.

OHHHHH so thats why it won't wash the dishes.
Kehhlyr Posted - 12/02/2011 : 18:13:47
To be honest the entire point of a stat is not so much to keep it around a certain temperature but is to stop the mat overheating.
It's designed to turn the mat off when it reaches temp X and when it detects that it's dropped below that temp it allows it to heat back up.
lotabob Posted - 12/02/2011 : 17:07:32
The mat will fluctuate between the stat's on/off temperatures, what happens is the substrate and decor and anything touching the mat will slowly heat up and hold a far more steady temperature. The mat - once the stat switches off the power - will lose its heat quicker than the items in contact with it. The longer the mat is on the less it will fluctuate due to the heat stored in the substrate etc. (Provided that your stat probe and thermometer probe are located properly).
Invalid User Posted - 12/02/2011 : 17:00:07
That fine. Mine is the same, goes off at 30c and clicks back on at 28c

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