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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red123 Posted - 10/02/2011 : 16:53:29
With the possiblilty of worms would it be sensible to remove the snake from the viv (which is not seeled) and keep him it in a RUB on kitchen towel or newspaper so that the viv can be throughly disinfected and what would be the best disinfectant? Should I throw away his artificial plants silk and plastic or can I disinfect them as well?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikerichards Posted - 10/02/2011 : 21:21:51
To be honest, you are better off waiting and finding out from the vet what is wrong. The worms wont travel very far from the faecal matter anyway, they dont get up and have a wander about!! To start with, you are better off doing good spot cleans when he drops one!!
n/a Posted - 10/02/2011 : 20:59:35
Kovi-X is an effective disinfectant with a wide application range. It is not only effective against the usual suspects like fungus, viruses and bacterias but also against cocidice-oocystes, worm eggs and other parasites. Especially cocidices and worms are a big problem for herp keepers and are difficult to be eliminated effectively. Kovi-X is excellent for use in addition to a veterinary treatment to remove the pests inside the terrarium and minimize the risk of re-infection. With a normal disinfectant there is no chance to remove cocidices from the terrarium and a re-infection more or less guaranteed.
gmac Posted - 10/02/2011 : 18:53:37
F10 is a good disinfectant
n/a Posted - 10/02/2011 : 17:51:40
lee2308 Posted - 10/02/2011 : 17:20:23
You could set a rub up for him and at the same time get the viv sealed with aquarium sealant,you could disinfect every thing a soak with a 10% bleach/water solution and rinse well just to be on the safe side,but not really sure about the risk of cross infection of worms.

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