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 In Viv Feeding?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newbie Posted - 09/02/2011 : 19:31:03

Just fed Vin tonight, after his last refusal I decided to feed him in his faun to minimize stress and once I'd left the room he took it quite rapidly. He seems to be getting rather fussy about who's there when he eats and if I put him in a seperate RUB he's so busy trying to get out, he completely ignores dinner!

Does feeding in the faun/viv realy make for a bad tempered snake? Vin's so placid I'd hate for him to turn aggresive! xx
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Newbie Posted - 11/02/2011 : 22:31:04
Thanks for all the replies just wanted to check out others experiences, as long is he's eating I'll be happy, hoping to get a royal in summer and since they can be good at fasting, it'd drive me crackers if Vin refused to! If I can solve the issue with in viv feeding, it seems like the way forward x
n/a Posted - 11/02/2011 : 22:02:14
When I first started feeding my girl 8 years ago it was always in the viv, I'd waggle the mouse near her until she struck.

She was always a little nervous of the viv being open as I waggled away and sometimes would change her mind and mouch off to a quiet corner.

8 years down the line I simply place a defrosted mouse on top of her log and move away from the Viv, she usually takes and chows down within 5 mins.

If she doesn't within 30 mins I bin the mouse and try her again a couple of days later.
mikerichards Posted - 11/02/2011 : 00:35:33
you will also find that insecure and timid snakes will only ever feed in their tub, the disturbance and unfamiliarity will put it off food.
testdasi Posted - 10/02/2011 : 22:49:27
Originally posted by Newbie


Just fed Vin tonight, after his last refusal I decided to feed him in his faun to minimize stress and once I'd left the room he took it quite rapidly. He seems to be getting rather fussy about who's there when he eats and if I put him in a seperate RUB he's so busy trying to get out, he completely ignores dinner!

Does feeding in the faun/viv realy make for a bad tempered snake? Vin's so placid I'd hate for him to turn aggresive! xx

It's ok to feed in the faun/viv as long as you can be sure there is no substrate on the food. Get one of those pet store feeding disc (in the reptile section). I think it helps keeping the subtrate out because the disc is quite heavy so more stable.
You can try warming the prey up or "brain" it. The former is easy (and worked well enough IME) and the latter is more for extremely shy eater. And use a small rub/tub. Too large and the snake doesn't feel secured.
Sta~ple Posted - 10/02/2011 : 20:07:24
I feed in tubs, as 1 of my adult would cattweheel the mouse and get substrate all over it no matter how much paper I put down, another adult wouldn't even come out to see the food and just carry on sleeping if I left it in the viv and the babies can be a bit nevrous so I let them eat in tubs that don't allow light. That's the only reason I don't fed in the viv, plus it's easier for me to watch while they are in a rub lol
herriotfan Posted - 10/02/2011 : 19:53:17
It's up to you where you feed your snake.
If he ate in his faun but refuses anywhere else then he must be fed there....eating takes priority!!
Just make sure he has some kitchen roll down to reduce the risk of ingesting substrate.
Not all snakes will automatically become viv defensive, it's just that some might.
As long as he's eating and you're both happy then it's all good.
Benji54 Posted - 10/02/2011 : 19:14:15
if you search this topic you should find a veritable myriad of answers, opinions and advice :) :)
Mort13 Posted - 10/02/2011 : 19:12:58
The breeder I got Falcor fed her snakes in theirs vivs/rubs as she has over 200 and feeding outside of their vivs wouldn't really be feasible. She got out most of the snakes to show me the different morphs and not one of them showed the slightest bit of aggression.
I do feed mine in a seperate tub with no problems but if they didn't seem to take to it then I'd have no qualms about feeding them in their viv after seeing how her snakes were.
Newbie Posted - 09/02/2011 : 20:56:09
Thanks everyone, nice to know you've all had no problems, just want whats best for him and if he prefers to eat in his house then I'll carry on feeding there, he's such a good natured little man that I can't see there being issues glad he's taken tonight, beginning to make me worry a little! x

@ Lotabob: at the moment I'm using a [clean] lid of those chinese takeaway tubs, seems ok so far but guess I'll have to scale up the size of the "plate" once dinner sizes move up! x
Red123 Posted - 09/02/2011 : 20:41:19
All of mine are fed in their vivs with no problems at all. I find it easier rather than having to take each snake out and waiting for it to eat. In the viv if they don't take it straight away I can just leave it in there for them for a while.
lotabob Posted - 09/02/2011 : 19:46:48
As gmac says its upto the snake. If they are going to be defensive then thats just their temprement, I doubt it has anything to do with where they eat (personal opinion). The main point is to minimise the chances of substrate been ingested. Put paper towel down or buy/make a feeding plate. I feed my royal in his viv, he won't eat anywhere else and choosing viv feeding or assist feeding I'd go for feeding in the viv everytime.
gmac Posted - 09/02/2011 : 19:33:11
I feed a few of mine in viv and have no issues. some may say its your choice where you feed your snake, most of the time its up to the snake where it will eat.

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