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T O P I C    R E V I E W
birdy966 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 20:43:20
hey guys, i got a corn snake about a week or two ago (cant remember lol) and i fed him on tuesday, i went to hold him on friday and he was very quick and figdity. i put him back after about a minute as i couldn't handle him. i went to hold him today and i couldnt get him he would go into a defensive position, curled up, head back. whenever i tried to get him he just scampered away. i really want to hold him so he gets use to me but i cant get him and im scared he will strike (he has done it once before)

i'm going to bed soon so i'll have to leave him till tomorow morning, 3 times a week isnt enough, i'd like to get him out everyday but i can't get him. any ideas?


oh i've only held him properly about 3-4 times since i got him :( and hes around a year old.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Katie.Dublin Posted - 06/02/2011 : 21:05:17
And yeah if you don't want to do it tonight it'll make no difference to the snake!
Katie.Dublin Posted - 06/02/2011 : 20:58:43
I agree, just suck it up and you'll soon get the hang if it:) You need to confidently scoop him up firmly but not roughly. If you think it'd be easier, scoop up some of the substrate with your snake. Also, if you're worried about dropping him or anything, you can get used to handling him over a cardboard box with a towel or something in it. That way he definitely won't hurt himself if he falls, and equally as importantly, he wont escape!! Good luck:)
birdy966 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 20:56:03
Originally posted by lrv2307

just go for it hun
they will do that defensive thing cuz they think your gonna eat um
but just go for it, be gental with it too, he will settle down when he knows your scent

You reckon it will be ok to leave him until the morning?
lrv2307 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 20:52:47
just go for it hun
they will do that defensive thing cuz they think your gonna eat um
but just go for it, be gental with it too, he will settle down when he knows your scent

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