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 first poo to quick!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MickyB Posted - 06/02/2011 : 18:52:23
gutted this morning when i realized i coudnt afford my hatchy but later on i found a 2010 amber £50 near where i live, bin to see it and bought it got it home put it in faun and left it when i went up later to check and it scattered back into the warm end hide and crapped so should i disturb it and clean it up or leave it? (it was fed yesturday if that helps.
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mikerichards Posted - 07/02/2011 : 08:47:55
It's not too quick, it takes roughly a week from feeding to passing, the fact that snakes pass soon after being fed shouldn't lead to the assumption that its what they just ate. The only snake I know of that can pass food in a little over 48 hours is the Russian ratsnake, and that's only because 25 degrees is like 30 to a corn.
herriotfan Posted - 06/02/2011 : 19:32:46
Cleaning up is ok, it's handling the snake that's best avoided for the first week. Making sure the water is changed and cleaning up leaves your scent in the faun which is good because it will help your snake get used to you.
gmac Posted - 06/02/2011 : 18:55:53
i would clean it up just now.

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