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 Two vivs with one stat?

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MrsA82 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 17:21:14
We recently set up a new viv and stacked it on top of the other one.

At the moment they are both hooked up to one dimming stat. The top is slightly hotter than the other. We have tried to get them running the same but proving impossible. We have lower bulb wattage on the top. Have raised it slightly so not directly stacked anymore They are now holding temperature at 28.5 on the bottom and 30.5 at the top.

Is this ok in your opinion? Or are we destined to have another stat

thank you
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lotabob Posted - 05/02/2011 : 20:21:10
Originally posted by MrsA82

Girls can't beat a bit of trash though, and as for ashtrays not the most attractive water bowl, but will do til I find something prettier

Oh they make good water bowls, was just making sure he's not on 20 Bensons a day.
baitman Posted - 05/02/2011 : 20:16:53
I can see you have a nice gap between vivs, so heat from the bottom viv will be less effective than if the two vivs were stacked.

However, that said, bulbs (as stated above) need independant stats.

heatmats can be run from one stat as long as they are the same wattage....
MrsA82 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 19:59:11
Another stat it is then

Girls can't beat a bit of trash though, and as for ashtrays not the most attractive water bowl, but will do til I find something prettier
lotabob Posted - 05/02/2011 : 19:34:08
You need some sort of insulation to prevent the heat rising into the bottom of the top viv, and as above, each bulb will need statting individually at least then when the top one gets some heat from the bottom one it will trun the top viv's bulb down

On another note snakes are really sensitive to trashy magazines, they should be removed from the vicinity of the setup immediately, and I really wouldn't allow the snake on the bottom to smoke, its really bad for them.

Very nice setup though. Jealous.
gmac Posted - 05/02/2011 : 17:49:30
sharing stats for mats is usually the norm, but for bulbs it is very difficult as the heat rising from the bottom viv will raise the temps in the upper viv.

Would get another stat as you are right on the limit for temps.
MrsA82 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 17:24:01
The set up

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