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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tiswas Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:18:00
Hi everyone, my baby (provisionally named Siren because I think she's a girl) has a mat heating her viv. Well today I went to Northampton reptile centre where they told me she should have a bulb as well and to only use the mat at night with the bulb heating her during the day. I thought corns absorbed heat through their bellies so a bulb was pretty pointless and having two heat sources was unnecessary?
The hot end of her viv is kept stable at 29 degrees with a PP stat and the cool end usually fluctuates between 18 and 20 depending on the temp of the room. Is this ok or am I doing something wrong?
They've really flustered me as I thought I was doing everything right but the woman who was telling me all this has over 250 reptiles in her house including corns and this is how she keeps them.
I've never had any issues with non-feeding or regurge or anything and she's very active when she comes out to play (hides a lot in her viv though but I figured this was normal for a baby).
Any comments would be good.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tiswas Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:50:43
Thanks guys. I figured she was ok as the temps are good and she seems happy and active. Must just be what I thought and that they were trying to make a sale.
gmac Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:32:44
You don't need 2 heat sources just the one and as your mat is giving you perfect temps you do not need to spend any more money adding a bulb, stat and guard, would just be a waste of it.

Originally posted by Tiswas

I thought corns absorbed heat through their bellies so a bulb was pretty pointless and having two heat sources was unnecessary?

there is nothing to back this up as far as im aware, is an urban legend so to speak
Figs Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:25:12
As long as your snakey is happy and healthy and you have the right temperatures without one, there there is no need to use a lamp
Most pet shops will tell people anything just to make a sale

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