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 What disinfectant to use and temp question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MrsA82 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 07:13:35
For when I'm doing the big clean. Do you always use a reptile disinfectant? Or is there something more everyday that works just as well?

And also, I'm finding my vivs are getting rather warm down the cool end. Is they are at 29 at warm end cool end seems to be about 22. Is that ok or is there anyway of cooling that end slightly? They are 3 ft vivs.

Thanks in advance
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Benji54 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:50:54
thats why ive recently switched to F10 to be honest. Its just fool proof (well as much as it can be) plus, and i know this sounds really silly, but the quality of the F10 spray bottles is amazing! great for keeping as viv misting sprays!
lotabob Posted - 05/02/2011 : 15:57:06
To avoid a mistake in diluting anything or doing something the snakes fdon't like I use Beaphar, Deep Clean. Its a bit expensive at £4.99 a bottle but it lasts a long time (bought in September, used 1/4 of the bottle) and is specifically made for deep cleaning vivariums, and also water bowls which I disinfect weekly. While I'm still learning the ropes I'll be going with stuff I know won't harm my snakes, and for the sake of a fiver I'd rather have that peace of mind.
Benji54 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 12:51:39
Originally posted by MrsA82

Thank you all, don't wanna cook them. I did read dettol was ok diluted but it does stink!! I'll keep an eye out for soMething at supermarket see what I can find.

cillit BANG! and the snake is gone!
MrsA82 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 12:36:35
Thank you all, don't wanna cook them. I did read dettol was ok diluted but it does stink!! I'll keep an eye out for soMething at supermarket see what I can find.
Benji54 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 11:07:39
i just started using F10 spray but apparently (according to my vet) miltons fluid or HEVILY diluted dettol work well. not sure about dettol tho cause that stuff STINKS! just to echo everyone else, your temps are fine :)
Sta~ple Posted - 05/02/2011 : 10:31:44
I use to use hot, fairy liquid mix but since I have gotten more snake, takes longer to clean and the water ends up going cold! I'm using Cascade cleaning Disinfectant that is for reptiles. I also have a spare Keep it Clean with lemon somewhere that can be used for reptiles any any pets.
herriotfan Posted - 05/02/2011 : 09:22:59
I use F10 reptile stuff but only because I got some given to me! Normally I'd use Milton or similar. Temps are ok.
stuart619 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 08:40:54
I always use a baby bottle sterilising fluid/hot water mix. The way I see it if it can kill bacteria and be safe for a baby then it is safe for the snakes.
mrdoob420 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 07:53:09
temps are fine... when cleaning mine i will use reptile spray or just a normal unfragenced spray but i usually water it down a bit if im not using reptile stuff
lrv2307 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 07:49:24
i have my temps the same hun, they are fine for me

i use a none fragenced anti bacterial spray from wilko's think it cost a £1

i wipe over that after with a hot cloth i only use for the pets. that kills any smell thats left, then i leave it for about an hour, while im fussing over snakys lol

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