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 Heat matt at night

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noola Posted - 03/02/2011 : 17:51:41
Hi i know this sounds like a really stupid question, just making sure really. I have a bearded dragon and i turn all her heating ofat night then back on in the morn,is it the same for my new corn snake or do i leave on over night. I wouldnt of thought you would but i just need to be absolutly sure of everything before she comes,
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Benji54 Posted - 04/02/2011 : 18:10:18
Originally posted by simonw

Just to add that if you want to turn it off at night you can, as it won't do the snake any harm to have the same cooling it would get in the real world. And it saves some energy. This assumes the viv is in a room that doesn't get too far below 21 deg at night.

I was gunna say!! if i left all my vivs off over night everything would be very...displeased i think. in the winter my room gets to about 5 degrees C. no BS. I cant afford heating AND snake heating so they get the good stuff and i wear a jumper!
simonw Posted - 04/02/2011 : 16:42:46
Just to add that if you want to turn it off at night you can, as it won't do the snake any harm to have the same cooling it would get in the real world. And it saves some energy. This assumes the viv is in a room that doesn't get too far below 21 deg at night.
Benji54 Posted - 04/02/2011 : 14:18:54
my beardie set up (actually my missus pets- i only do snakes) is almost exactly like that but with an infrared in place of a ceramic. i dont like ceramics. And dont worry, good advice is always good! :)
baitman Posted - 04/02/2011 : 12:12:56
for beardies you need a ceramic heat bulb too, they need to bask during the day with an ideal temp of 110 degrees, the spot lamp goes of at night but then a ceramic comes on to keep night time temps around 78/82 degrees, also, the uv lights need to be low enough for the breardies to get within around 6 inches of it, it should be a 10% uv bulb.....

sorry if i sound like i am TELLING you how to care for your animals, this is just advice not
Benji54 Posted - 04/02/2011 : 11:27:47
Originally posted by lotabob

Heat mat at night, snake's delight.

heat mat in the morning, snakes...errr...DO'H!
lotabob Posted - 04/02/2011 : 00:28:55
Heat mat at night, snake's delight.
Katie.Dublin Posted - 03/02/2011 : 23:28:43
I leave the snakes mat on, but i also leave the beardies heat mat on at night too! His UVB tube and his heat lamp go off on a timer but he always goes asleep on his mat!
Invalid User Posted - 03/02/2011 : 18:45:14
Originally posted by noola

Hello thanx all for your info. I have got a stat on my beardie and my snake set up just always turn of on my beardie and she is always fine as temps dont go to low over night . So just to recap , def keep heat matt on all night ,

Yup, leave it on 24/7
Invalid User Posted - 03/02/2011 : 18:44:17
Originally posted by Benji54

oh man. louise and kehhlyr beat me to it! (i was typing while they replied lol! damn my long winded rambling posts!) plus now i seem like a real hard ass lol! their answers come across much friendlier! :)

noola Posted - 03/02/2011 : 18:36:55
Hello thanx all for your info. I have got a stat on my beardie and my snake set up just always turn of on my beardie and she is always fine as temps dont go to low over night . So just to recap , def keep heat matt on all night ,
Benji54 Posted - 03/02/2011 : 18:02:11
oh man. louise and kehhlyr beat me to it! (i was typing while they replied lol! damn my long winded rambling posts!) plus now i seem like a real hard ass lol! their answers come across much friendlier! :)
Benji54 Posted - 03/02/2011 : 18:00:55
your doing right to ask. you should have stats for your beardies and for your corn. day/night cycle isnt essential for corns unless breeding. i leave my heat constant but have a seperate, normal light which i turn off at night. so no, you shouldnt, just make sure the stat is set to good temp and that the cool end is notably cooler than the arm one. didtal thermometers are much better for this than those crappy stick on ones!

away from that, we certainly dont turn off all the heat on our beardies!! i lower the temp on the stat (i use a habistat for ALL my vivs) and turn off the UVB tube. you should always ALWAYS ALWAYS have a proper stat on any creature living in a habitat so different from its own. Im really not having a go but its really imortatant! :)

good luck with all your pets and ask as many questions as you like! better to ask and get it right than let it go wrong! :)

ps i really didnt mean to bite ur head off lol! im friendly really! :)

Kehhlyr Posted - 03/02/2011 : 17:58:29
Just leave it on 24/7 assuming it's controlled by a thermostat.
Invalid User Posted - 03/02/2011 : 17:55:53
Not a stupid question at all :)

The heat mat should be left on 24 hours a day for your corn snake. As long as it is attatched to a thermostat it will be fine and will keep a nice temp day and night.

Have you seen the care sheet. Lots of great info on there for new keepers.

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