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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Invalid User Posted - 02/02/2011 : 19:31:09
Do you feed all your snakes on the same day?

So far mine are all fed on different days (just how it worked out when I brought them home) but I want to try and get them all feeding on the same day.

Just wondered what you lot do
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vetdebbie Posted - 05/02/2011 : 22:24:23
We have 6 different groups, some on 7 day feeding, some on 10 day feeding. At different times of the year we may have some on 5 day feeding and some on 14 day feeding........... Ads does lists. At the moment we are usually feeding 6 nights a week between 20-40 per time. Don't even speak to me in hatchling season!
simonw Posted - 04/02/2011 : 20:40:33
No I don't feed them live, only fresh kill and frozen thawed. I just show them the live to see if they are interested. They definitely prefer fresh killed to frozen.
lotabob Posted - 04/02/2011 : 20:36:06
(Fresh killed?)
mikerichards Posted - 04/02/2011 : 20:32:10
Do you feed your corns live out of choice???
simonw Posted - 04/02/2011 : 16:47:33
I show all mine a live mouse and if they seem interested, I'll prep as many as I think they'll take. Any that don't get eaten get frozen for another day. I keep a google calendar for them which details the feeds, shed etc.
mikerichards Posted - 04/02/2011 : 08:39:06
I generally feed and clean on the same day, takes about 8 hours for a full on session, but its all done then. It's a mission, but I generally don't have any non feeders, and even if I do, I have plenty that'll eat more!
kdlang Posted - 03/02/2011 : 23:06:51
I feed all mine on a sunday evening usually. sometimes i forget to get the mice out the freezer so i may be a couple of days late so then i make them wait over a week until i can feed on a sunday again, otherwise i lose track. The good thing about snakes is that they dont hound you if your late feeding them
lrv2307 Posted - 03/02/2011 : 15:59:08
i tried to feed both mine on the same day, king didnt want to know little madam lol

but they are only a day apart now, so its fine,
i use stuarts spreadsheet, and have it linked to flash a message up to me when its feed day, if i dont have the spreadsheet open
so i dont forget.
Benji54 Posted - 03/02/2011 : 11:16:31
i feed all mine on saturdays normally. sometimes i make em wait a little longer. much easier i think to feed all on one day. defrost all mice/rats together and feed! that said my systems well out of sorts at the mo. wotsits shedding so i can feed biscuit in case he mistakes her for a mouse with the scent (they cohabit) and serendipity is fortnightly but with prismas illness ive had to rebuy/sterilise ALL my equiptment, bin all old food (there was a re-freexe in ther) and start from scratch! hectic times. but yeah, one day feed for the win!
Inkygirl Posted - 03/02/2011 : 09:44:52
yep we have got the corns, royals and boa all on the same day. they were fed last night, feeding and sheddings logged. and will be grand for weekend. x
Invalid User Posted - 03/02/2011 : 09:39:33
I keep writen records plus have them on the pc too.

Only downside I can think if I feed them all the same day is they will probably all poop the same day!

I woke up to 4 smelly rubs today from the corns I fed 2 days ago :(
herriotfan Posted - 03/02/2011 : 08:55:32
Although I feed mine on different days I do keep records so I know exactly what's going on with each snake! I just wouldn't want to go for 48 hours without being able to have a snake out.....
stuart619 Posted - 03/02/2011 : 07:35:19
I have two on 7 day feeds and one on 10 day feed so obviously can't feed on the same day. I have a spreadsheet which i made that tells me how many days under/over due they are for a feed and I just check that each day. It also is used for recording:


If you would like a copy of the spread sheet I did put a copy on here a while ago

Sorry if I got off topic there. I just think once a snake collection grows it can become easy to forget what day is what and also I think a record which can be printed and shown to a vet is a good idea.

Sta~ple Posted - 03/02/2011 : 06:56:09
All mine get fed on the same day, just easier. Normally they get fed Monday, that way I work in the week without disturbing them and at the weekend I can hold when I'm a bit free :D
sarahw Posted - 03/02/2011 : 01:55:04
Must take ages to feed that many each week ian, and theres me thinking it takes ages with my 6!
eeji Posted - 03/02/2011 : 00:00:53
i do all 30 on the same night, and if I've got hatchlings I usually do those on the same night too so theres potentially around 100 mouths to feed all at once in the summer months
crazy JJ Posted - 02/02/2011 : 23:47:13
all the same night for me :) soo much easier
gmac Posted - 02/02/2011 : 23:10:07
my lot usually all get fed on the same night, makes it easier
Katie.Dublin Posted - 02/02/2011 : 22:39:38
Sunday nights for mine! I only have three snakes though! I forgot to get mice last week though so they only got fed tonight! I'll prolly just leave them until sunday week now, its just easier than a mid week feed!
sarahw Posted - 02/02/2011 : 21:42:42
I feed mine on a fri so they are fine again for my kids to handle on a sunday(they are away with their dad at the weekends)
It makes it so much easier, the down side is no snakes to hold for 2 days but we have plently other animals that can be held! Lol
One of my snakes used to be fed on a mon when I got him and as I didnt want to leave him for almost 2 weeks without feeding I fed him the mon a week after getting him then the following week on a tues and so on until he got round to being fed on the fri the same as the others

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