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 Bamboo canes?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Invalid User Posted - 02/02/2011 : 18:29:38
I think that's what they are, the ones you get in garden centres. Are they ok to put in snakes rubs?

I have seen a really cool way of slotting them through the rub from side to side/end to end near the top so the snakes have a higher place to climb and explore. The hollow ends of the canes would be outside the rub so no chance of snakey getting inside one.

If they are not suitable is there any other thing you can think of that I could use? This wouldn't just be for corns but for all my snakes.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 19:39:53
well, what i have for a climbing frame is the handles of wooden paint brushes (the hobby/crafts brushes) supported by pieces of string going through the slits in the lid of the faun
Sta~ple Posted - 02/02/2011 : 19:24:45
Don't see why not :) As long as they aren't too thin and can support the weight of a snake. Something like a budgie perch might work well for smallish snakes if that's any help lol
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 19:09:37
well, im down the parade tomorrow, so if you want, i can have alook around for things for you and get bk to you with ideas if u would like lou
Invalid User Posted - 02/02/2011 : 19:04:09
Cheers but I wanted something a bit thinner than a broom.

I'm gonna make holes in the rub and slide the poles through, 2 across the length and 2 across the width so making a sort of grid :)
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 18:58:08
i have an idea for you, go to the hardware shop or the 99p store in the parade and get a wooden handled broom, cut the handle to the size of th rub, put a hole in the rub (where ur putting the "climbing frame") and just screw the ends of the broom handle at either end/side of the handle, putting the screw through the rub, leaving the ends of the handle, flush against the rubs side/ends - just an idea for you.
Invalid User Posted - 02/02/2011 : 18:45:50
Ah that's brilliant. Did you sand them down at all or are they nice and smooth already?

Do you have any pics of them in your rub?
scubadude Posted - 02/02/2011 : 18:39:29
not sure about the bamboo canes, but I picked up some beechwood doweling from these guys for the boas rub.

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