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joelcafc Posted - 02/02/2011 : 15:54:46
Hi im thinking of getting a corn snake and after doing a bit of research I have a few questions:

1) I was thinking of getting this starter set

and was wondering how long it would be until my corn snake out grows this enclosure and what size would you recomend upgrading to?

2) Ive seen some advice saying that you should use bottled water every day, is tap water ok to use?

3) Ive also seen that feeding should take place out of the usual enclosure, how long would you leave the snake before returing it to its normal enclosure after feeding?

hope that makes sense and someone can help

thanks very much
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 21:35:47
Hi as said,the starter set is fine. A digital thermometer is definitely recommended for an accurate reading though and perhaps an artificial plant as something else for it to use as a hide,a lot of hatchlings enjoy climbing them too.
I too use tap water.
Both my snakes are fed in a tub outside of their enclosure,less chance of them becoming viv defensive. Once the food has reached halfway and my snakes start moving around again I gently pick them up and put them straight back in their viv.
Good luck with everything,hope you find the perfect snake for you soon.
Paul Hume Posted - 02/02/2011 : 21:04:12

I give mine normal tap water daily, and as for feeding, three of mine feed outside the vivs and I wait until the bump is half way down the body which doesnt take long and then gently lift them back into their home for a snooze.

On a side not I only feed Rusty in his Viv because I got him at 14 years old and that's how it's been done up till now. I tried feeding him outside but he didnt want to know.

I have said this before, corn snakes are fantastic pets but if you are going to buy one expect to have more before the years out! lol I got my first corn about 18 months ago, had my second within a couple of months and so on lol.
Invalid User Posted - 02/02/2011 : 17:08:55

Whether you feed in the enclosure or not is up to you but if you do feed in the tank just pop a piece of kitchen roll down under the mouse to stop the risk of the snake swallowing any substrate which can be dangerous for the snake.

ilovemypets1988 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 16:35:31
yh the kit seems fine, the only thing that i would change in it is the thermometer which should be digital - (£3 off ebay) but the rest is perfect, this should also last a hatchling for about a year and the other enclosure is really down to your taste, as there are loadds, but i ewouldnt worry about that until nearer the time.

i use tap water, its fine as long as its changed daily.

i also feed in my snaes enclosure so its fine but u shouldnt handle the snakes until at least 48hrs has past after feeding, i hope that helps

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