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 Advice on buying older snakes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 19:41:03
I have the chance of getting 2 female corns one is 4 and the other is 2 they are in the same viv anything I should check for apart from illness ?
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n/a Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:15:09
Have decided against the corns I was looking at something didnt feel right about it.
I desperately want one! Saw some babies today but too small for my liking, the guy I'm getting my royal off tomorrow has a yearling so I'll talk to him about that.
mikerichards Posted - 01/02/2011 : 00:19:10
I agree 100% with K, co habitting isn't always bad, and the majority of the problems come from young snakes.
As for mites, being only 2 animals they would be very obvious, unless in very early stages. Quarantine is always a good idea, although as they won't be living together, impeccable hygiene is more important, always wash your hands!
Feeding and shedding records aren't important, its certainly not something a decision should be based on, I never sell with records unless very young, and I think out of all the snakes I have had I have had 2 with records, they got binned.
2 and 4 year old snakes clearly eat, cr*p and shed, as long as they look in good condition, that's all that matters in the respect. I also wouldn't worry too much about Mrs grumpy, if she's never bitten then she isn't that grumpy, more likely just concerned.
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 23:31:22
Hubbie says he's going to start charging entrance fee for zoo lol!
Kehhlyr Posted - 31/01/2011 : 23:27:39
The age makes no odds at all if they're together and the same sex. It's the size that counts and seeing as they're both feeding on medium mice, then I'd assume they're of a similar size.

I had corns that lived together that had the same age gap and were both female. To be honest the cohabiting issue is mainly when younger, you could still get issues as they're older and particularly if one can be a bit feisty. Also is the feisty one a bit more so towards people or everything??
It's totally up to you about splitting or not, I'd recommend it but it's not compulsory so have a good think and make your own choice, but just be ready to split with a spare rub tucked away somewhere if you do decide to keep them together.
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 23:27:08
the older one can be a bit " moody"
. I'd see how they are together before you make any decision to change the way they live.

I have to say my two 10 yr old female corns, have always lived together and have very distinct personalities - Tom is very placid and in a good mood 100% of the time. Gerry on the other hand i'm sure has PMT, she certainly didn't like having to wait for her dinner, cos i'd weighed her wrong and delayed their feeding.
lotabob Posted - 31/01/2011 : 23:18:13
I would say the only things you will need to do without question is:

-Get them sexed.
-Check for mites.
-Check their general health.
-Quarantine them away from your Royal for 2-3 months.

Other stuff reccommended to do would be;

-split them up.
-Get them checked over by a exotics vet.

It sounds like a lot to do but it depends on the price they are going for as to whether they are worth the trouble.
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 22:58:22
this was there original ad on preloved
Hi there
I have 2 fe-male corn snakes for sale, they live happily together in the viv that goes with them, 1 is black and silver (approx 2yrs) and the other is a Carolina (approx 4yrs) they both feed on medium mice and shed well and handled regular
Reason for sale, new work commitments mean unfortunately I can't give them the time they deserve, any questions welcome
Many than
lotabob Posted - 31/01/2011 : 22:50:48
Not really if its medium mice but each snake is different, one might be fine on that the other might get fat, it depends. Check them over for any fat backsides to be sure they aren't on the fat side.
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 22:47:16
From the messages I've had from the lady all sounds a bit strange. But as long as hubbie agrees ( we know he will) and they are healthy I'll think about it . She says they are eating medium mice every 7 days isn't this a lot for their ages ?
lotabob Posted - 31/01/2011 : 22:42:34
You can look.
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:37:01
And I'm picking up my royal on Wednesday so might not be a good idea right now
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:35:28
Oh god that will mean another viv or might get away with a RUB for a while. My hubbie just called me had a blow out in our merc on A14 so that s £800 for a new tyre so telling him I'll need to buy and set up another viv might not be a good idea tonight lol!
tehbunneh Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:20:39
Still a good idea to split them up with an age gap like that. They are likely to be stressing each other out, and its generally seen as a good idea to have them in their own, especially if you are new to snakes and are not entirely sure what the signs of stress in a snake are!
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:09:42
They have been in the same viv for a year
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:08:42
Thanks for all your advice it most appreciated
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:06:40
I'm with everyone else on this. Older snakes can make very good pets if you don't want the skittishness and incredible speed of hatchlings. Although older snakes can move pretty fast too and at 4 and 2 they are still young. As pointed out, make sure you look very closely for mites, check vent, eyes etc. I'd seperate them if I had them, the younger one is probably a touch stressed! Even if the current owner is busy they should have records of feeding, shedding etc. It doesn't take a couple of minutes to tick a column marked fed or shed!! Ask if they can take them to a reptile vet or reputable reptile shop for sexing and get written proof of this, unless you are happy with the consequences of them possibly being male and female. You may encounter problems too if the younger snake is the female and gravid...
Just a few things to ponder on............ Let us know what you decide.
tehbunneh Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:03:03
OH gosh x.x That is a monster! Well, you should be absolutely fine should either snake be nippy X3
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 20:57:09
My one that bites is about a foot long and weights 2kg he managed to get 3/4 of my thumb his mouth on Sunday lol!
tehbunneh Posted - 31/01/2011 : 20:51:32
Yeah, I do, but he's being rehomed himself T^T Due to his bigger requirements, and my current lack of funds and the instability of the floor, I can't get him that 150L tank he really should have x.x I have to somehow get him back to Surrey this coming weekend to do the handover, but I think I'm going to have to take him on the train x.x Nooooot looking forward to that. And they can indeed pack a rather nasty bite! Luckily, I've never been bitten by Munchie, but he is a fantastic little fish X3
n/a Posted - 31/01/2011 : 20:31:32
Tehbunneh I see from your profile you have an oscar fish I have 5 and one of them can pack a hard bite !

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