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Lukethompson89 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 16:34:46
tries to feed Digby for the 3rd time today and still nothing :( he seems totally uninterested by the food and wont go near it. he's still very active but seems more concerned in trying to find a way out of the viv.
i have also been changing his water everyday but today when i changed it he dove straight in and seemed to drink for england.
Im starting to get a bit concerned that he's a bit stressed and not settling in :/
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lukethompson89 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:44:54
Hey, the tank i have him in his 1 and a half foot long by 1 foot wide. i have all the heating apparatus and from what i have seen off the forums the temps are correct. Digby is around 35cm long not too sure on the weight but he's quite thin as he is only young. Il try to get a picture of the viv up but the camera on my phone is rubbish and cant find my digi!
Il try the feeding him in the dark as he hasn't touched the pinkie i put next to his waterbowl!
thanks for all the advice :)
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:35:40
He sounds a bit young to be looking for a mate...that's why I asked his age! Leave him for another week then try him again. You've had some ideas but another thing you could try is to put him in a seperate, escape proof, container with the mouse then cover it with a towel and leave him for an hour or so to see if he feeds. Some feed better in the dark....
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:31:07
just incase everyone is wondering, when i say "tease" i mean wriggling the pinky infront of the snakes snout, of course he bks off alot, but by the time i stop , i guess that hes too annoyed by the item not to eat it (sorry if that sounds cruel, but needs must)
kdlang Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:30:49
I can understand that you are concerned but corns can survive quite a while without eating so don't get too worried just yet. Maybe if you tell us a bit more about your corns set-up (size, heating, temperatures etc) and the size and weight him people may be able to give you more advise. It may be that Digby will prefer to eat in a small tub placed somewhere dark and warm.
Lukethompson89 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:13:10
I will give that one a try and see if it works, thanks! Whenever i have put him in the feeding tray he just seems more interested about trying to get out. il leave the pinkie next to the water bowl on some tissue and see if he goes for it
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 17:06:06
my snakes a temperamental eater, he wont eat unless i "tease" him with the pinky first.
what i tend to do is put him into a small sweet tub and wriggle the food infront of him and after a while of leaving him in the tub with the food, i put him bk into his faun with the food placed next to his water bowl and leave him to it, then within 2 hrs, the foods gone
Lukethompson89 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 16:45:35
I was told from the pet shop that i got him from that he was 3 months old. But from looking at pictures on the internet he still just looks like a young hatchling as he is still quite thin
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 16:41:23
How old is he? Sounds like he might be "looking for love" because he's displaying typical hormonal male behaviour. Wasn't that a good way of saying he's a horny little bugger!!!!!

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