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 handling during shed prep

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ilovemypets1988 Posted - 29/01/2011 : 23:18:41
hi all, i was wondering if it was ok to handle my snake as i believe he is getting ready to shed as the belly has gone milky, im currently handling the snake and he doesnt seem to mind at all tbh, but i thought that i better ask anyway - regardless of how he seems
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ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 14:01:18
believe me i would set up a cam if i could lol

as for letting him out, i always lift the lid off the faun and let him get on with it - so to spk - and he normally just hovers abwt on the fauns rim tbh, although admittedly, i cant just watch him, i have to grab him and hold him
Sta~ple Posted - 31/01/2011 : 13:53:36
Depends on snake I think :3 One of my adults doesn't mind and if you open his viv he comes out while another would rather be left alone.

Set up a camera so you can see him shedding lol
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 13:44:07
heres an update on his shed for all of you, his eyes have finally "glazed" over, so hopefully it wont be long before i see and experience my first snake skin shed - cant wait
Mort13 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 10:27:07
I have handled mine till they've gone blue and then left them till they shed. Although with Falcor I completely missed it as its harder to tell with him and handled him and fed him 2 days before he shed.
He didn't seem bothered at all. I know that Loki wouldn't be happy about it at all. They'll let you know if they aren't happy about being handled.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 30/01/2011 : 19:14:32
when i handle the snake on a "usual" day he just sits there and curls up in the palm of my hand for about 10 mins b4 he tries to shoot off, at which point, i put him into my shirt pocket (hence why im always in a shirt when i handle my snake) and he curls up and settles down and almost falls asleep (sorry for the punt lol)
lee2308 Posted - 30/01/2011 : 18:57:33
i would rather give them the peace and quite until they have shed,just because there not biting or thrashing around doesn't mean their not stress by it,the shedding process its self can be a stressful time for them as they feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
lotabob Posted - 30/01/2011 : 13:13:56
I handle upto the eyes going blue then leave them alone until after they shed.
herriotfan Posted - 30/01/2011 : 12:01:13
Mine are all happy to be handled while shedding. It just depends on each individual snake and owner. You say yours is happy being handled so I don't see any reason why you shouldn't carry on as normal.
n/a Posted - 29/01/2011 : 23:26:43
I won't claim to be any kind of expert but mine let me know when they want to be left alone, and make it very obvious when they want to play out

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