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 PRAS 18th Oct

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
manda88 Posted - 22/10/2012 : 12:38:02
So who else is going to Portsmouth show this Sunday? I'll be there, either behind a table or just wandering around aimlessly
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kath Posted - 25/10/2012 : 12:41:34
manda88 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 12:17:02
I know right, I jus so dummmmm I am ridonkulunkulously desperate for a chameleon so if you see a girl with brown hair SCREAMING at the cuteness of chameleons, that's me
Kath Posted - 23/10/2012 : 11:06:12
lol manda, ur very speshul!
Dalymad2 Posted - 23/10/2012 : 08:23:42
Posting on the 22nd for an event on the 18th was just to see who was awake, thanks for info only in Southampton just need to win OH over now.
Moppet Posted - 22/10/2012 : 23:17:24
Too far for me Plus I am banned for getting any more snakes until next year and it would just be waaaaaaaay too tempting.
manda88 Posted - 22/10/2012 : 21:21:47
Just realised I said 18th...I meant the 28th....I'm speshul.

It says private breeders meeting but it's open to the public open from 10.30am I think at Havant leisure centre!
Dalymad2 Posted - 22/10/2012 : 17:48:05
Manda,have looked on PRAS website can only find details for a private breeders meeting , is there an open meeting and if so where.

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