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 Viv stack/ country cabinet cross build...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
boogles Posted - 04/04/2013 : 13:15:36
Vivariums are made of contiboard. The chipboard laminatepoopthat is the bones of cheap Swedish furniture.

So moving into my girlfriends flat which is in a Georgian townhouse in Bristol.
I couldn't in good faith dump a pine effect contiboard viv stack in the lounge as it would look awful and I have the issue that some of her friends and mother are phobic of snakes so.
The brief emerged: build a sideboard/ cabinet that incorporated a viv stack, provides extra storage and can hide the snakes for tea with her mum or dinner parties etc etc. oh and doesn't look out of place in the flat...

Having designed it out roughly on napkins and paperwork I got into the build...
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Welshlamb Posted - 24/04/2013 : 07:13:21
Love this project. Has given me some inspiration for my next vivarium builds.
a33272 Posted - 05/04/2013 : 22:05:45
Love it.well done
mjpeters Posted - 05/04/2013 : 19:40:27
Awsome.realy nice and professional looking
kev 5 Posted - 05/04/2013 : 19:06:09
Very nice, looks really good
oakleyman18 Posted - 05/04/2013 : 13:25:43
P.s. what a ridiculous amount of easter eggs!! JEALOUS!!!!!
oakleyman18 Posted - 05/04/2013 : 13:23:19
Buddy this is spot on one of the coolest DIY builds I've seen. Great workmanship! :) Looks wicked. How is the Ghost motley settling in btw? You need a new sig! :P
Razee Posted - 05/04/2013 : 12:34:17
Very nice, you could make those to order :-)
I'm starting to think I made a mistake by having a unit underneath my 2 vivs, if I hadn't , there would be so much more room for more vivs... hmmm, food for thought.
andy Posted - 05/04/2013 : 07:31:03
thats amazing, and gives me an idea
Moppet Posted - 04/04/2013 : 22:06:48
Wow, that looks great! Nice job.
Donnie Posted - 04/04/2013 : 19:22:44
Nice piece of work, well done
smart bunny Posted - 04/04/2013 : 17:27:50
Wow, that looks fantastic :O Well done!!

*wants easter egg too...*
herriotfan Posted - 04/04/2013 : 15:32:30
Those Easter eggs look tempting......
mrsbunt Posted - 04/04/2013 : 15:20:19
looks fab
cobweb251 Posted - 04/04/2013 : 14:38:29
nice one
lupi lou Posted - 04/04/2013 : 14:05:09
That looks fab!! and the vivs good great too
boogles Posted - 04/04/2013 : 13:26:23
Then having it assembled I broke it all down for paint and transport to the flat.
I think it looks good in situ...
It's got shelves for storage. Large top for the fish tank and hifi and the doors pop on and off magnetically so the snakes can be hidden at short notice.

boogles Posted - 04/04/2013 : 13:20:27

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