T O P I C R E V I E W |
n/a |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 11:38:56 Medusa moved in to her 3ft (for life) vivarium this weekend:

Meg checking out Medusa's new accommodation!! 

I would really like to add some snake size floating shelves for her to climb on or make some kind of jungle gym, but can't find anything out there. It all just looks really flat at the moment, any suggestions? |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Starmist |
Posted - 01/06/2012 : 10:37:02 Her viv looks lovely! I also had the same question with regards to the suckers sticking to wood! I couldn't work out why it stuck to Jakes old viv, but not to this new one! Then I realised the old one had like *thinks of the word*.. I want to say chipboard? It was a shiny white surface?! We've just laid them around the branches and stuff to make it look right :) |
Hissyfit |
Posted - 01/06/2012 : 10:23:26 That's one cool viv! I love the platform, bet Medusa loves it  |
kelly x |
Posted - 31/05/2012 : 22:17:02 Bit of a random question but how old was Medusa when you moved her in to that lush 3ft viv of yours :) x |
n/a |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 19:44:18 That looks ace I think Medusa will be very happy in there for sure!
n/a |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 19:36:49 quote: Originally posted by Medusa09
And the exciting thing is, in a couple of years when she's too big for all the accessories, I'll just have to get a smaller snake who can take advantage of it!!
I like your thinking!! xXx |
n/a |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 17:51:23 Thanks for all the lovely comments, Medusa has had such a good mooch around and the plants and platforms are a favourite. I got all the bits and pieces from the same place I got her from: http://www.swg-pc.com/ It is in Clandon park.
The platform was only £12 and the large branch was £6 (I had seen people's posts about collecting and preparing their own, but I am just not that talented!)
And the exciting thing is, in a couple of years when she's too big for all the accessories, I'll just have to get a smaller snake who can take advantage of it!! |
MacSpud |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 17:35:25 That platform thing is indeed cracking |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 16:38:01 where did you get all that from, love the 3 tier wooden ledges, where were they from. |
n/a |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 16:22:55 The Viv looks AWESOME! I love the branch- very nice looking and I want to play on the 3 tier climbing steps! xXx |
Kellog |
Posted - 25/01/2010 : 08:47:14 You have done a fantastic job with Medusa's viv Tina, especially with the new refurbishments (love the 'Must stay away from the reptile shop, must stay away from the reptile shop...' Bet you cant!! Is it Clandon you use?)
You truly can call her home a mansion now, and I love the idea of the 'multi-tier platform' as SB puts it...I was just going to say shelves! Think Kellog is a bit big for those now but am tempted to get some for Silvesta, although he is not really a climber yet.
Medusa must be a very happy snake and a very lucky snake to have an owner that spoils her as much as you do....remember 'Must stay away from the reptile shop, must stay away from the reptile shop...' 
xxx |
SexyBear77 |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 16:37:07 I used a stable gun to secure all my plants, not very pretty but works a charm. I love the multi-tier platform you have, its ace! |
hillzi |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 16:14:14 Much better!! No the sucker caps wont work on wood.. I know it sounds a pain but you can use aquarium sealant (like glue for fish tanks but works fine on vivs) but snakey needs to be out the viv for at least 3 days after its dried to allow the fumes to dissapte. |
n/a |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 16:07:49 Okay, so I might have been out and spent a little bit of money.... definitely worth it though I think! I bought a vine too, just not sure where I'm going to put it now!! Must stay away from reptile shop, must stay away from reptile shop...

One question, the plants don't stay stuck to the side of the viv, even with lots of spit! What can I use that isn't toxic and will stick? |
SexyBear77 |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 13:47:20 quote: Originally posted by HannahB
also someone on here i think uses parrot/bird perches in their vivs - im going to get some soon for my lot when they all move up 
I have the parrot branches, and the vines. They are ace! |
HannahB |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 13:33:45 you can get bendy vines for the viv - my king has one and ive bent it round in a spiral but you can make a bridge (like LittleMick has in his gecko's viv http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7695 )
also someone on here i think uses parrot/bird perches in their vivs - im going to get some soon for my lot when they all move up 
that pic of the kitty looking at the viv is mint!  |
SexyBear77 |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 11:57:07 Very nice viv, but I would maybe think about putting in some more plants to add a bit more cover, plus the green looks nice! Bet medusa is chuffed to bits with her new mansion! |
Rik |
Posted - 24/01/2010 : 11:49:05 Pusscat sooo wants to play with that moving piece of colourful string. Nice snake and viv. Vines fill the viv out well and snakie will like climbing them. I put a large branch/stick that stands like a tripod in mine and makes things less flat too. |