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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Moppet Posted - 22/06/2014 : 10:57:21
I can't believe how much they've changed so I thought I'd share it with you all

Please excuse blurred photos (and poor lighting), it was feeding day and they were getting a bit impatient

When I first brought him home

A year later


When I brought her home

A year later


When I brought her home

A year later

Now (she is going blue, so is quite dull)

When I got him home

A year later (what a colour change!)


When I got her home

A year later (she's always been a big girl/fast grower!)


I love how much corn snakes change colour as they mature.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Moppet Posted - 22/06/2014 : 19:55:30
Thank you

Razee - Aurora is one of manda's beautiful babies. She was sold as an Amel but she has no white on her (apart from a little on her belly) and her colours are very bright (Amanda predicted that she would be a bright one and she wasn't wrong!) so she would classify as a sunglow morph
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/06/2014 : 16:51:51
Its amazing the difference, they are gorgeous
Razee Posted - 22/06/2014 : 16:23:24
Beautiful pics, I love progression threads! The orange on Aurora is stunning, so pure and clean, she's a beauty, and so is Titan.

What morph is Aurora, a sunglow?
Mort13 Posted - 22/06/2014 : 15:09:02
Lovely! Its amazing how much they change isn't it!
One of the things I love about having them from hatchling is being able to see them change as they mature
Moppet Posted - 22/06/2014 : 13:59:30
Thank you
Isoldael Posted - 22/06/2014 : 11:29:02
I absolutely love progression pics - yours only got prettier over time! Thanks for sharing :D

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