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 vivs and name tags

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Freddiesmum Posted - 16/06/2014 : 14:20:29
Soooo the vivs are kind of half done! Sealant has been drying since Sat morningish so animals get moved in tonight, very excited! Tops aren't in place in this pic yet as have to get wires etc in place before i can fix it all into place properly. I like the colour though:

And the name tags! I love these:

It's been very quiet on here recently hasn't it!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Freddiesmum Posted - 18/06/2014 : 09:31:55
Yeah self adhesive, just take the wee bit tape off :D

SilverWings Posted - 18/06/2014 : 08:35:40
The name tags are great, do they have a sticky back?
Freddiesmum Posted - 18/06/2014 : 07:46:11
Will also get pics up as I'm all finished
Freddiesmum Posted - 18/06/2014 : 07:45:18
Thanks! It was under a fiver for all 3 plus engraving! EBay is a good thing lol. Will pop the link up soon
Mort13 Posted - 17/06/2014 : 23:34:37
Those name tags are brilliant!!
Kellog Posted - 17/06/2014 : 07:41:49
Love the name tags, such a good idea. Can't wait to see the vivs 'full' .

It is such a shame that so many aren't using the forum like they used to. Facebook is all well and good but the forum needs the support otherwise it can't survive .

Freddiesmum Posted - 16/06/2014 : 23:05:21
Yeah looks better wild type! Oscar and Emmy have moved in now, Masuka tomorrow!Will get pics up soon! 3 empty vivs but no space.....well maybe for one harhar
yalovit Posted - 16/06/2014 : 22:41:56
I thought I was the only one on here now
Razee Posted - 16/06/2014 : 21:25:13
I've noticed everyone's gone, too :-( And I'm not on facebook, either...It's lonely here, come back, everyone! :-)

Freddiesmum, those vivs look lovely, looking forward to the pics of your 3 "test crawling" them for the first time!

You do realize that that means you will have 3 empty vivs........
scottishbluebird Posted - 16/06/2014 : 20:49:52
They are great, see you went with the better sounding 'wild type' lol
and yes, everybody has disappeared. I dont have facebook just not interested in it
Freddiesmum Posted - 16/06/2014 : 20:02:50
2 faced book lol. Yeah 4ft. Oscar's just over 5ft now so thought I should treat him. Can't leave the others out of course! Nice excuse to get a stack hehe
coxymk2 Posted - 16/06/2014 : 19:25:02
I have noticed that I think they must all be on two-faced book. Are they 4ft vivs ? I like the nameplates.

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