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 New camera, new photo's

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 31/05/2014 : 16:32:19
So I dropped my Fujifilm AX510 in my bowl of cereal the day Sakana laid her eggs.... And my very kind uncle sent me the money to buy a new camera so I just went with another Fujifilm and got the next model up from mine, the AX650 16mp

So here's some photo's taken today.

Starting with Pandora and Vladimir my Stripe babies from Oscar. They are now very nearly yearlings! So proud of these two. Pandora was a little funny with being picked up after feeding but she's now calmed down, and Vladimir no longer takes off at 100mph when you pick him up.

Pandora - Amel Stripe het Caramel.

Vladimir - Caramel Stripe het Amel.

And my big ones Sakana and Cereus.

Sakana laid me 21 healthy eggs on Tuesday 27th May. She laid 23 in total but 2 were slugs so I have 21 healthy in the incubator now.

Sakana - Hypomelanistic ph Amel. Currently in her post lay shed.

Cereus - Butter. Chunky boy lol.

And my eggs from Sakana and Cereus.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AcidicAngel Posted - 01/06/2014 : 12:38:34
Originally posted by Razee

Lovely pics. the babies are developing very nice colours, I reckon the amel stripe will be a real stunner :-)

She's getting very bright lol. The colours in those photo's of her are as true to life as possible
Razee Posted - 31/05/2014 : 22:28:54
Lovely pics. the babies are developing very nice colours, I reckon the amel stripe will be a real stunner :-)
AcidicAngel Posted - 31/05/2014 : 20:30:28
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Great pics, just be more careful with this camera!

I am lol. And thanks
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/05/2014 : 20:05:23
Great pics, just be more careful with this camera!

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