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 On today's menu... *Very picture heavy*

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 28/11/2013 : 17:04:44
Yeah.... Sorry 'bout that... Hopefully the caption will cheer you up after the amount of pictures? XD

So today Pandora and Vladimir had their second fuzzies. The fuzzies weighed 4-5g each. Pandora had the 5g one and Vladimir had the 4g one.
Also weighed the pair of them, they've both gained 5g while with me.
Which seems so little but they have definitely grown quite a bit in length and width so it confuses me how they've gained so little... Am I worrying about nothing?

Anyway, pictures anyone?

First off, weighing pictures. Pandora was 11g when I first weighed her a week after getting her and Vladimir was 13g.

They go in an order because they have spoken captions XD Sort of.

"This is bigger than normal..."

"I must make sure it is definitely dead."

"Silly sister, if she just got on and ate it like I do then she would have it's head in her mouth already."

"See " Gorgeous little Caramel boy is getting his colours now.

"Is it dead? Where did I put it's head?"

"Tut tut Pandora, just eat it already would you! It's dead."

Om nom nom.

"See, I'm nearly finished and you haven't even started!"

"Almost there!"

"Oh shut up Vladimir! I must make sure it is dead before i eat it!"

"Hey sis, like my new tongue? "

"Shush. Now... Where is that head?!"

Fuzzy Lump

"No... This isn't it..." She proceeded to try eating it tail first... Literally, tail first XD

"Ah! Got it!"

"Just drag it about my tub while I eat it..."

"These front feet are annoying me..."

"Argh! The front feet are stuck!" She spent 5 minutes trying to get around the front feet after this photo

"That's better..."

"Hips... Who needs hips this big?"

"There we go..."



Gone! Fuzzy Lump

Once again, sorry for the picture overload and also sorry if they are huge... I stole them from my facebook page as my photobucket is still messing about!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AcidicAngel Posted - 01/12/2013 : 19:41:34
Thanks everyone They get an extra digesting day even though Pandora's lump is always gone by the next day lol!
smart bunny Posted - 29/11/2013 : 10:13:52
Lol, love the captions!!!!
Redware Posted - 29/11/2013 : 09:13:51
Great shots! Wow what a big feed for them! I didn't move juniper onto fuzzies until she was 21g, but they seem to have taken them so that's good. I may leave them an extra day to digest than usual before handling them, they are going to need some digesting time!
Vince_the_snake Posted - 29/11/2013 : 07:30:42
Great pics, the captions are great!
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/11/2013 : 22:30:02
Brilliant pics
Kellog Posted - 28/11/2013 : 22:19:07
You take such great pics and they are such gorgeous models. Love the captions too, always make me smile .

hayleylsl Posted - 28/11/2013 : 19:56:12
Lovely!!! great captions too :-)

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