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 Oscar and Emmy again

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Freddiesmum Posted - 19/11/2013 : 08:39:20
So when I got Oscar he was a tad, podgy shall we say! He was a but rounder than he should have been, probably as his previous owners had him on a jumbo a week! He weighed in at around 745g. Since I got him (last July) I've had him on a large every 2 weeks (I'll sometimes give him another inbetween if there's a few smaller 'large' mice) and he's now 789g lol! But I reckon he's gained more muscle as I have him out more than previous owners too. So although he was to loose weight , I'm happy with him as he's looking better, more loaf shaped than round now haha! Here he is:

On the stairs

And wee Emmy is now 45g and 25 and a half inches!! Getting bigger every month, and constricting every time now hehe. Couldn't get pic of her being weighed she's too wriggly haha but here she is


Nice fuzzy bump

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Freddiesmum Posted - 21/11/2013 : 09:56:11
Thanks guys I know it's crazy! He definately feels more muscular than he did when i first had him - he used to feel a bit....smooshy? Only word i can think of LOL. His grip when he coils to hold on is sooo much better than it used to be too!

It really is Kellog, she seems so teeny still! I only notice the change in her when i look at old pics or check her weight/length. Definately loves her food - always been a great eater, never missed a meal, even in full blue!
Kellog Posted - 20/11/2013 : 09:18:01
To me you've got a lovely looking snake . He may have put on weight, although I'm not sure how after the drastic change in his feeding schedule , but he's looking healthy and doesn't look overweight to me. It is hard to tell in a pic and you're best placed to judge. As long as he feels firm and muscular, better than he was, and he's only putting on a few grams between each feed then I'd say you had it about right.

Must be so strange handling Emmy after you've had Oscar out! Talk about little and large . She is a beauty though and obviously loves her food.

Freddiesmum Posted - 19/11/2013 : 21:42:52
Thanks! Yeah I think he looks just right now. He used to be podgy haha!
Vince_the_snake Posted - 19/11/2013 : 20:39:19
Great pics!
lupi lou Posted - 19/11/2013 : 20:35:19
Lovely snakes, I didn't think Oscar looked that podgy either.
Razee Posted - 19/11/2013 : 19:43:53
I think Oscar is looking gorgeous, as usual :-) He doesn't look massively podgy to me....just right.
Freddiesmum Posted - 19/11/2013 : 10:03:21
In fact I take that back lol, it's not that he looks 'scrawny' that was a silly word to use. See in the pic above, how you can kind of see a 'line' on his back (where he's overlapping himself if you get me) sometimes it looks like that in certain positions. Is that normal?

Wow you'd think I'd know that after owning a snake for over a yeah haha! I suppose we're always learning
Freddiesmum Posted - 19/11/2013 : 10:00:49
Glad you think so

No don't mind at all! Do you think I should put him down to 3 weekly feeds now, or keep him as he is? Sometimes his neck looks a bit scrawny LOL only in certain positions though, I'll try get a picture tonight and show you what I mean.

I don't want him getting too skinny lol!
smart bunny Posted - 19/11/2013 : 09:41:50
He's definitely looking better :)

Hope you don't mind me saying though, but I would have thought that a large every fortnight was more of a maintenance diet, rather than a weight loss diet? Would be tempted to reduce to every 3 weeks personally.

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