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 Babies Feeding 22/10/13

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 28/10/2013 : 18:07:28
So!! Just getting these up as my Photobucket has crashed but the lovely ScaryVonHayleystine told me how to upload the photo's another way so here goes!!!


Classic through the tub shot


Classic through the tub shot

So sorry if this doesn't work!! I hope it does! Once again, apologize for my photobucket hating me at the moment.
Another thing to apologize for is the lack of Vladimir photo's! He eats a lot quicker than Pandora and the flash seems to bounce off him more for some reason so I end up deleting loads of overexposed stripe pictures of him. With my camera was as good without the flash.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AcidicAngel Posted - 01/11/2013 : 12:04:49

I'm glad I have my camera lol, unfortunately more recent pictures are from my phone as camera's need batteries, batteries I don't have lol.
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/10/2013 : 21:40:48
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

Great shots. Pinkies look so alien to me these days!

I thought the pinkies for Storm looked liked aliens too, hmmmmm.......

Cracking pics, they are so beautiful
AcidicAngel Posted - 31/10/2013 : 00:23:27
Originally posted by Kellog

They are beautiful and you got some great photos of them both. I'm sure Oscar must be so happy when he sees 'his' babies doing so well.



Just to let you all know they were fed earlier and they fed with no problems. Pandora has shed too Pictures will go up tomorrow as I'm off to bed now XD
Kellog Posted - 30/10/2013 : 23:39:31
They are beautiful and you got some great photos of them both. I'm sure Oscar must be so happy when he sees 'his' babies doing so well.

AcidicAngel Posted - 30/10/2013 : 12:26:00
Originally posted by Vince_the_snake

So gorgeous!

Vince_the_snake Posted - 30/10/2013 : 12:11:50
So gorgeous!
AcidicAngel Posted - 30/10/2013 : 11:56:00
Originally posted by smart bunny

A day is nothing to a snake - they'll be absolutely fine, stop worrying Lovely snakes - I was soooo tempted when Oscar had them all up for sale!

I do worry about the babies feeding though lol. The big ones a day helps them the fatties! Hehe. But the babies are still young and growing so I worry a lot more but I shall stop worrying as I get to see them tonight lol.

Thanks I was in trouble with my mum for the first week after saying I'd have them but now she loves them and she went "Glad you got them now!! Gives us all time to get used to babies before you breed again!" Lol!
smart bunny Posted - 30/10/2013 : 08:07:59
A day is nothing to a snake - they'll be absolutely fine, stop worrying Lovely snakes - I was soooo tempted when Oscar had them all up for sale!
AcidicAngel Posted - 29/10/2013 : 21:03:02
Redware: Pandora ALWAYS coils lol. Never a time when there's no strike and coil

Coal and Donnie: Thank-you

Unfortunately there has been a bit of a problem with me getting home.... I have to get two trains home from my boyfriends. I usually come down Friday and go home Monday. However, due to the "storm" my first train from Malvern Link(Worcestershire) was delayed by 50 minutes.... It usually arrives at Malvern Link at 19:18(arrives at Birmingham 20:15) and I get the 20:30 from Birmingham - Sheffield... My train from Malvern wasn't due at Malvern Link till 20:08 last night which means it would be arriving at Birmingham at 20:55... And there was no other train I could catch...
So these little ones will be fed when I get home tomorrow night. Would have been tonight if I had been able to go home today(ticket would have cost £40) but they will be a day late unfortunately
Donnie Posted - 29/10/2013 : 20:18:21
Very nice stripey little ones
Coal Posted - 29/10/2013 : 17:25:55
Great photos of lovely babies :)
Redware Posted - 29/10/2013 : 15:27:17
Very nice! Is Pandora coiling it looks like she is? Her sister Juniper is (these are from Oscar aren't they?) so I would be intrested to know if its the whole clutch?
AcidicAngel Posted - 28/10/2013 : 18:24:32
Thanks Trust me pinkies looked alien to me at first too!! XD

Anyway, I'll hopefully be able to get back online later but I need to go offline for my tea and then a train now...
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 28/10/2013 : 18:10:32
Great shots. Pinkies look so alien to me these days! Glad the photos worked :)
AcidicAngel Posted - 28/10/2013 : 18:08:27
Oh and yes it is feeding night again tomorrow so there will be more photo's hehe! They'll be fashionably late again as usual

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