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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/10/2013 : 00:58:49
Well Gabriel is on a diet as he is getting fat! So of course he is now always out hunting!
Lucky for me, means i get to see him more often and take cute pictures so here's to the diet!
Words of encouragement always welcome ^^

I cant remember if i posted these pictures before :s I know the last three shots are definitely new! Aww well, no harm in seeing them again aha.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:34:05
Hmm, could be the bumps be deeper than the spine causing trauma o themselves if they were to eat something, dinking is fine as its liquid but food is too much?
SilverWings Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:27:41
10 left; 5 ready to go, two that only eat chicken, and 3 that just won't eat. It's weird that it's the deformed ones that won't eat, they have *tiiiiiny* bumps on their spine, the rest are all perfect. Can't help but wonder if it's some sort of instinct; they know somethings wrong so don't bother eating. Could just be coincidence though, because they're otherwise very happy, they drink, shed and poop just fine.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:19:09
Aww no :/ hopefully she eats soon. How many sprogs do you have?
SilverWings Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:17:40
Liana is one of the babies :p I may have accidentally named them all...and now I'm overly attached... Liana is probably a long term stayer, cos she's never eaten a meal in her short little life :/
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:14:16
I think my snakes are going to stay clear of yours :P
SilverWings Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:10:10
Guess I'll have to introduce him to Boots then :p She spends her days eyeing up Liana through the glass and wondering how best to eat her XD
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:07:04
My wee baby is too young for love!
Luna will have to wait :P
Cougar :L
SilverWings Posted - 27/10/2013 : 01:03:27
Very nice, he should come and visit. Luna would just love him :p

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