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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 19/10/2013 : 13:33:24
Well my internet appears to really dislike TCS lately and won't let me on most of the time. I get the odd 5 mins where I can look around and check things out and then it goes again

Anyway, I'm at my boyfriends so I can be on again

First off, here's the feeding pictures from Tuesday I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to clean them out already due to them tipping their water bowls and wanting to live in a humid rainforest(I no have a solution to this!) lol. So Pandora was on what was left of the peat and beech chip mixture that I had mixed up when I put Sakana on it. I mixed a big bag of Beech Chips and 2 big blocks of peat up and put it in a box with a lid. I had a little bit left, enough to do both baby snakies but not enough for Sakana's viv so that's what it got used for

Anyway!!! Pictures - Sorry for any bad quality photo's, my camera hates me right now...
Little Miss Pandora wouldn't come out of her tube so was fed in her tub on a piece of paper which she very promptly tried to get rid of... She didn't swallow any substrate though she worked her way out as she ate lol.

Vladimir, however, came out willingly for food and was moved to a tub for feeding.

And then here are some photo's from Thursday night I got the babies out for a bit as it was nice and warm downstairs so I could bring their tubs down. They needed cleaning out again too lol. My arm is not that hairy btw... Blame my camera's macro setting lol.
Got some really cute pictures to put up too

Pandora out for her photoshoot.

His wonderful stripes

(Less pictures of him as he would not stop moving so I couldn't get any nice ones)

The pair out together(supervised, obviously)

The Cute Pictures! Cat(Sox) meets new snakes He is the most gentle of our 3 cats and so if the only one I trust with these babies. The other two are fine with the big snakies but not the babies.

Right, in this one I had Pandora on the sofa for a few photo's and Sox jumped up. She crawled onto him and curled up lol. He was happy to let her lay there

And then I have two of Vladimir and Sox

Once again, sorry for the late updates and the overload of pictures.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jennas Posted - 25/10/2013 : 17:32:25
Beautiful snakes love the one with your cat.
AcidicAngel Posted - 22/10/2013 : 17:01:57
Originally posted by oakleyman18

Ahhh they look like they're having a great time :D I love Pandora's googley eyes! And Vladimir's stripe... URGH it's gorgeous!

Ahaha! They were fed again today(a week after their last feed) and I have new pictures to put up if my internet will let me! I'm lucky to be able to get on here lol!

Thanks Emmzi
Emmzi Posted - 21/10/2013 : 23:37:57
Lovely pics and such gorgeous snakeys :)
Vince_the_snake Posted - 21/10/2013 : 19:03:39
Oh thanks
oakleyman18 Posted - 21/10/2013 : 17:25:35
Ahhh they look like they're having a great time :D I love Pandora's googley eyes! And Vladimir's stripe... URGH it's gorgeous!
AcidicAngel Posted - 21/10/2013 : 16:56:47
Originally posted by Vince_the_snake

Gorgeous snakes, and the cat too! Btw what morph is Vladimir?

Vladimir is a Caramel Stripe het Amel and Pandora is an Amel Stripe het Caramel :)
Vince_the_snake Posted - 21/10/2013 : 16:28:29
Gorgeous snakes, and the cat too! Btw what morph is Vladimir?
AcidicAngel Posted - 20/10/2013 : 23:42:50
I never leave the snakes with the cats unsupervised lol. I'm sure Sox would probably just mother the babies but the other two wouldn't be like that....
hayleylsl Posted - 20/10/2013 : 19:40:47
Lovely pictures- both your snakes are gorgeous :-)

My cats are very good with my Boris. They ignore him for the most part, even my very naughty little black and white one will let him be. Obviously never left alone but under my supervision have had no problems with stalking (on the cats part!) or bad behaviour from any of them!
AcidicAngel Posted - 20/10/2013 : 18:09:13
We have a female, Busgy(long story XD), and she's a nightmare for bringing pigeons in... She's fine with the bigger snakes but these little babies would be food. Then we have Tiger, our other male... He eats everything that moves so there is no way he's going near these two until they are a bit bigger. Our cats seems to have a natural fear of the bigger snakes but the babies aren't feared. Sox likes them, the other two would try eating them lol.
Razee Posted - 20/10/2013 : 13:32:24
Aw, you're lucky to have such a gentle cat. Ours is gentle with humans, but any other animal will be mauled/ eaten. He killed rabbits, pigeons, even a stoat, and used to fight with foxes in his younger days... He catches slow worms as well :-(, so I think any of my snakes would just be another dangly thing to play with/ eat.
AcidicAngel Posted - 20/10/2013 : 13:15:07
Thanks Coal I'm very pleased with them! Absolutely love them <3
Coal Posted - 19/10/2013 : 22:55:10
Gorgeous pics, I love stripes :D Lovely kitty too <3
AcidicAngel Posted - 19/10/2013 : 22:45:08
Haha!! Nope Sorry SBB, he's my half deaf rescue boy Had him since he was 8 weeks old.

Thanks lol, I do what I can with a camera that hates me
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/10/2013 : 22:24:36
aaaaaw brilliant pics, kitty is super gorgeous too, you want to swap cats????????????
mine loves both snakes too, so snakes will still be happy!!
AcidicAngel Posted - 19/10/2013 : 16:14:14
Thanks everyone So happy with them. I know OakleyMan wanted regular updates but unless my internet starts letting me on again I'm afraid it'll be when I can get on

Razee, he is the dopey rescue cat lol. He's always been gentle with babies, he tends to mother them. There was a moment when I really thought he was the silliest cat ever though XD Pandora curled up on him and then stopped moving and just laid there so he looked at me like "Mum!!! Help!! It stopped!!!" and nudged her till she moved again and then looked at me like "Oh, it's OK! I saved it!" XD

P.S. If my sentences make no sense and say things like "ant" and "ay" imagine them with a W at the beginning XD My W key is playing up.
Moppet Posted - 19/10/2013 : 15:01:15
Lovely little stripy shoelaces
Razee Posted - 19/10/2013 : 14:39:05
Gorgeous, both of them. You're very brave with the cat, though :-0 Especially the last 2 pics,the cat might be thinking - mmmm, wriggly lunch! :-) Very good natured cat. :-)
Boomslang Posted - 19/10/2013 : 14:36:12
Fab pics :) lovely corns
smart bunny Posted - 19/10/2013 : 14:18:00
Gorgeous! Glad they ate for you OK :)

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