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 Update on re homed Seb

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razee Posted - 18/10/2013 : 16:11:07
Sebastian has been with me for just over 2 months now, and has gone from 165g to 205g today, so I thought it was time to take some pics.
Apologies for the overload, for quality ( old mobile ), and also for dirty old jumper ( just came back from the field :-)

Looks cold outside

This is a veery interesting plant pot

That deadly tail again! Musssst attack that deadly tail!

Hypo, or not? Looks hypo from top:

Strange, flame like head marking

Not so "hypo" from underneath, in places:
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lupi lou Posted - 20/10/2013 : 17:04:45
Lovely boy, am with the others hypo
Razee Posted - 19/10/2013 : 14:41:00
Ok, off to change the signature to "hypo"
smart bunny Posted - 19/10/2013 : 09:24:43
Mwahahahaaaaa, one caved in, just got to get Moppet to admit to owning a hypo now!!!

Razee Posted - 18/10/2013 : 21:34:17
Thanks, guys :-) Ok, ok, I give in, he's a hypo.. :-) Just wasn't sure, because of his black bits :-) He's really active, every morning and evening, and even during the day - whenever I go in the viv to clean and change water, he's out of a hide, and straight towards me - or tries to sit on the glass runner...he also poops about 3 times for each meal, so cleaning is a pain :-(

He can look all innocent and sweet, when he wants to, but if only a small part of you smells of a cat, you've had it :-) Doesn't seem to mind horsey smell, though.

He was really interested in that plant pot, kept smelling one particular spot on it for ages :-)

scottishbluebird Posted - 18/10/2013 : 19:37:33
love the pot pic
SilverWings Posted - 18/10/2013 : 17:10:39
Looks hypo to me...he's gorgeous ^_^
smart bunny Posted - 18/10/2013 : 17:04:48
Totally hypo - if he was a normal the black would form a full bar all across, not just be at the edges like that :P He is gorgeous, and looking better with a bit more weight on, congrats :D

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