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 cheeky bit too big..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TallyDB Posted - 13/10/2013 : 12:35:27
so like a good snake mummy I went off and bought Miss Periwinkle a new viv and she's growing a bit bigger and all that...possibly didn't need to go this big though...Feel like that parent that buys their kids clothes 7 sizes too big so they can grow into them :P
Think I'll wait a teeeeny bit longer before moving her across

What's better than spending a morning tucked up in half a coconut..
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TallyDB Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:34:29
Originally posted by Boomslang

She's going in there soon? Might have a job even finding her hehehe :P

ha she's a tad small at the moment I think so will wait till she gets a wee bit bigger otherwise she might just get lost in there :P
TallyDB Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:27:45
Originally posted by Razee

Aaah, I see Periwinkle is already measuring up her new viv..nearly overlooked her there in the front

She still looks a bit diddy to go in, but at lest that should give you some time to play with the viv a bit, and make it really nice for her... at the moment, she still seems like she could easily escape between the two panes of glass.

Yeah can barely see her in the front bless her! Think I'll keep her in her small one for now, she's not too big for it but thought she'd prefer something with a bit more room to adventure. Will give her a few more months or so before moving her across, would hate it if she escaped or wasn't comfortable in there :/
Razee Posted - 13/10/2013 : 15:09:14
Aaah, I see Periwinkle is already measuring up her new viv..nearly overlooked her there in the front

She still looks a bit diddy to go in, but at lest that should give you some time to play with the viv a bit, and make it really nice for her... at the moment, she still seems like she could easily escape between the two panes of glass.
Boomslang Posted - 13/10/2013 : 14:36:26
She's going in there soon? Might have a job even finding her hehehe :P

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