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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcidicAngel Posted - 08/10/2013 : 17:59:17
Pandora and Vladimir turned up today!! So happy with them!! Thank-you Oscar
They are so cute and tiny and so chilled out lol. Some sneaky photo's while they were being moved to their new homes

Please ignore any scratches lol, cat's eh?
Also, please ignore the mess in the background... I'm in the middle of re-sorting parts of my room lol.

Vladimir - Male Caramel Stripe het Amel.

Look closely and you'll see him hehe.

Pandora - Female Amel Stripe het Caramel.

Waterbowls all filled up now they are in place and they are both very actively exploring and laughing at me because they know I can't pick them up XD
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AcidicAngel Posted - 09/10/2013 : 22:33:52
Originally posted by mjpeters

Splendid-just splendid all you need now is a nice anery stripe or several

Here's hoping that my other pair(Sakana and Cereus) are both het Anery
mjpeters Posted - 09/10/2013 : 21:27:11
Splendid-just splendid all you need now is a nice anery stripe or several
AcidicAngel Posted - 09/10/2013 : 21:08:03
Thanks everyone
Coal Posted - 09/10/2013 : 20:14:19
Gorgeous - caramel stripes are amazing :)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 09/10/2013 : 19:57:45
wow, so pretty, stripes are growing on me....
Donnie Posted - 09/10/2013 : 19:57:39
very nice, congratulations
Emmzi Posted - 09/10/2013 : 19:56:32
stunning snakeys you have there :)
AcidicAngel Posted - 09/10/2013 : 17:06:41
Originally posted by oakleyman18

Yayy!! They look great, and very happy. Glad they didn't find the journey too stressful! Now begins the frustrating wait.. :)

P.S. Naughty cat. And people think that "snakes" can do you more harm.. pah!

Haha! They've settled in perfectly Little boy plays peek-a-boo with me while I'm sat on my bedroom floor on my laptop hehe. Sticks his head out and watches me and when I look up at him he shoots back into his tube lol. I look away and he comes back out! Now, little miss... I know you said she was active but I'm almost 100% sure she didn't stop all night lol.

Originally posted by smart bunny

Naww they are lovely :D

Thanks You can thank Oscar too lol, he created them
smart bunny Posted - 09/10/2013 : 11:19:36
Naww they are lovely :D
oakleyman18 Posted - 09/10/2013 : 10:05:01
Yayy!! They look great, and very happy. Glad they didn't find the journey too stressful! Now begins the frustrating wait.. :)

P.S. Naughty cat. And people think that "snakes" can do you more harm.. pah!
AcidicAngel Posted - 09/10/2013 : 09:23:20
Just done this to show the difference between holding my big girly and my little girly lol. Photo's are both from last night, I only just had chance to upload the Sakana one though so I made this Once again, please excuse the mess. My snakes do not go roaming while it's like this. Usually when it's a little more tidy I let the big snakes have some floor time with my watchful eye over them lol.

AcidicAngel Posted - 08/10/2013 : 21:49:04
Thanks So happy with them! Vladimir has gone and laid down and Pandora is still roaming her tub wanting out but I am resisting! XD
scottishbluebird Posted - 08/10/2013 : 21:19:19
They are super adorable, cracking pics
Razee Posted - 08/10/2013 : 21:15:00
Ooh, very nice, congrats on such a lovely pair of snakes.
AcidicAngel Posted - 08/10/2013 : 19:12:20
Redware, these will be on Fuzzies soon too I think I have 30+ pinkies to get rid of first though XD Bought them expecting to get this pair back in September and thinking "They'll still be on pinkies when I get them" yet I think they are ready for fuzzies soon lol.
Pandora is sat above me roaming her tub Little Vladimir is playing peek-a-boo with me XD He sits and watches me and then when I look up he disappears into his tube lol.
Redware Posted - 08/10/2013 : 19:01:14
This is a great clutch! I have their sibling Juniper who is growing so fast. I'm really pleased with her, she always strikes, and sometimes coils and she has nearly doubled in weight in the 1 1/2 months i have had her. She is now chowing down double pinkies and looking at me as if to say "is that it?"! she will be on fuzzies very soon i think!

Congrats on such great snakes (both you and Oscar!)
AcidicAngel Posted - 08/10/2013 : 18:28:11
Oh yes! These will be paired in approximately 3 years time depending on how much they weigh and how long they are
Moppet Posted - 08/10/2013 : 18:26:07
Very nice You're going to be breeding butter stripes in a few years time then?
AcidicAngel Posted - 08/10/2013 : 18:02:28
One link appears to have gone awol... Can an admin sort that please? That's my fault as I posted the wrong one first and then forgot to delete it before posting the correct one. Sorry!!

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