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 a close up of houdini

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jelstone26 Posted - 23/09/2013 : 22:21:01
here is a nice close up of houdini.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Coal Posted - 25/09/2013 : 08:43:22
Gorgeous; aneries are some of my faves
jelstone26 Posted - 25/09/2013 : 00:09:19
Originally posted by mjpeters

All Kudos to you for choosing such a cracking little guy and welcome to the 'Anery Appreciation Society' discerning snake keepers only

haha thanks mjpeters. originally i was going to get a snow but once i saw houdini i had to have him/her.
mjpeters Posted - 24/09/2013 : 23:37:32
All Kudos to you for choosing such a cracking little guy and welcome to the 'Anery Appreciation Society' discerning snake keepers only
jelstone26 Posted - 24/09/2013 : 22:20:03
thanks redware. i love the head pattern of the first one in your signature.
Redware Posted - 24/09/2013 : 22:18:16
such a pretty snake.
jelstone26 Posted - 24/09/2013 : 20:40:53
he is very friendly, i love handling him unfortunately because of the regurge i haven't been able to recently but hopefully thats all fixed now.
Isoldael Posted - 24/09/2013 : 20:28:32
He is very lovely, I love how friendly his face looks :)
jelstone26 Posted - 24/09/2013 : 12:37:50
thanks everybody. its feeding day tomorrow after he regurgitated his last meal 10 days ago, hopefully this one goes better.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 24/09/2013 : 11:24:47
oooh super pretty :)
lupi lou Posted - 24/09/2013 : 11:23:53
So pretty!
smart bunny Posted - 24/09/2013 : 10:52:03
He is gorgeous :D
Lee Posted - 24/09/2013 : 09:21:18
what a beauty, love the colours.
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/09/2013 : 01:37:54
So stunning
rachey Posted - 23/09/2013 : 22:58:00
D'awwww so lovely :D
jelstone26 Posted - 23/09/2013 : 22:36:57
thanks TallyDB, i look forward to being able to take pictures like yours but houdini just won't stay still yet lol.
TallyDB Posted - 23/09/2013 : 22:33:27
Beautiful :)

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