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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lovebug Posted - 18/09/2013 : 10:22:52
I've had my snake around 7month now he weighs 55g. Length apparently 2ft4 (going by his shedded skin)!! He shed last night I was in the same room and missed it!!



20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Emmzi Posted - 16/10/2013 : 18:46:17
lovely pictures, he is gorgeous :)
lovebug Posted - 16/10/2013 : 17:15:19
He's definitely growing well!! He shedded again!! And missed it again!! Checked on him before school run. Come back home an he'd shed lol typical
Razee Posted - 12/10/2013 : 09:27:31
Crikey, he' grown! you must be feeding him mice on steroids ! :-) He's looking very nice.

That's typical about missing the shed, they can be very sneaky, and pick the one moment you're not watching :-)
Sammysnake Posted - 12/10/2013 : 08:29:32
Oh my goodness. The pick of him on your thumb is just sooooooo cute
smart bunny Posted - 20/09/2013 : 09:31:17
That's normal - he'll probably slow down a bit as we head into winter. Nice one Isoldael - must admit I've never got around to trying it out either, will have to get some top down shots of our snakes (hubby never takes them like that, *sigh*).
lovebug Posted - 19/09/2013 : 21:56:47
Yeah he's also getting more colourful as he gets older. He sheds every month on time give it take a few days
Isoldael Posted - 19/09/2013 : 21:04:57
No problem at all :D Snakeymus is very handsome ^^
lovebug Posted - 19/09/2013 : 20:55:18
Aw thank you so much!! I have no idea what I was doing wrong!!
Isoldael Posted - 19/09/2013 : 20:49:07
There you go!

lovebug Posted - 19/09/2013 : 13:17:04
Originally posted by smart bunny

Lol, he doesn't look quite that long yet ;) Looking great though, lovely colours comeing through now :D

That would be great. This is the pic thanks
smart bunny Posted - 19/09/2013 : 06:50:37
Lol, he doesn't look quite that long yet ;) Looking great though, lovely colours comeing through now :D
Isoldael Posted - 19/09/2013 : 06:19:15
If you want you can share the photo with us and one of us can use the snake measurer for you :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 18/09/2013 : 21:35:26
Originally posted by lovebug

He's still just as cute! Although he can't wrap round my thumb no more so usually my wrist!!
I want to put him in the big viv that I have empty it's 4ft long x 2ft wide and 2ft high but think he's a little small yet

If you really wanted to, just make sure there is loads of cover, and probably a paper binder to stop escape from glass overlap
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 18/09/2013 : 19:23:28
Loverly snake ^^
lovebug Posted - 18/09/2013 : 16:40:50
He's still just as cute! Although he can't wrap round my thumb no more so usually my wrist!!
I want to put him in the big viv that I have empty it's 4ft long x 2ft wide and 2ft high but think he's a little small yet
scottishbluebird Posted - 18/09/2013 : 16:32:45
big difference, still love the baby pic soooooo cute
lovebug Posted - 18/09/2013 : 16:24:30
Ok I must be doing something wrong I drew a line 30cm long put snake on the paper uploaded to the site. Selected ruler 30cm did the dots and apparently he's 1374.50 cm wen straight?! Doubtful lol
Isoldael Posted - 18/09/2013 : 14:55:18
I personally draw a 15cm line on a piece of paper and use that for reference, like this:

Since she got on top of the paper, I could only use a small part of the "ruler" but, I knew that each part was a centimeter so it worked perfectly :)
mjpeters Posted - 18/09/2013 : 13:31:34
WOW he's obviously a happy guy-well done on being a good snakey mum-very impressive growing he's doing there!
lovebug Posted - 18/09/2013 : 12:41:05
Ok I didn't know that lol I thought it seemed quite big compared to him.
The link is great thank you very much! Will be trying that tonight!!

Do I need to just put him on some paper, draw a line an take a pic?

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