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 Sunny having table time

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mjpeters Posted - 04/09/2013 : 21:10:40
well here's our girl just watching the world go by....

she seems less of a 'Sluggy Snakey' these days,almost a 'Dora the Snakey Explora'She makes full use of the tables/vines and will ask to come out of an evening-by ask I mean the 'Glass Wriggle Belly Dance'
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Posted - 08/09/2013 : 08:15:32
trixie stuff is great and they do stuff for reptiles as well, it's just not quite as good as the furry stuff,14035
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/09/2013 : 15:55:44
Originally posted by mjpeters

Originally posted by Razee

She's just perfect.

And yes to Trixie tables, though I imagine the manufacturers would most likely be horrified, that the little houses they make for pretty little furry animals are in fact being used by " horrible, deadly, slimy " snakes that eat other small furry Though, maybe, if they actually got to meet some of the " horrible slimy " snakes, they might change their mind! :-)

.....surely you mean "houses they make for scruffy,scratchy,allergy inducing,stinky,bitey little animals are in fact being used by Gorgeous,smooth,warm,funny,stylish,hypoallergenic,occaisionaly wiffy,love biteysnakes"????
Glad you like her Razee-I shall leave her to you in my will

i know which one i agree with lol
and Storm has the hamster climbing thing that is now a hoggie gym
serena_08 Posted - 05/09/2013 : 14:14:19
2 out of 4 snakes in my abode have those :) and my LG has the trixie seesaw!
mjpeters Posted - 05/09/2013 : 11:46:48
Originally posted by Razee

Ha ha - WE know that, but they don't... maybe it's time we ( as a reptile/ snakey keepers ) came out of underground...

Yup slither out of the closet...or Ikea shelf/wardrobe viv conversion...yeah,bring ALL the lizzies too maybe not the spidey's though
Razee Posted - 05/09/2013 : 11:12:59
Ha ha - WE know that, but they don't... maybe it's time we ( as a reptile/ snakey keepers ) came out of underground...

mjpeters Posted - 05/09/2013 : 09:28:45
Originally posted by Razee

She's just perfect.

And yes to Trixie tables, though I imagine the manufacturers would most likely be horrified, that the little houses they make for pretty little furry animals are in fact being used by " horrible, deadly, slimy " snakes that eat other small furry Though, maybe, if they actually got to meet some of the " horrible slimy " snakes, they might change their mind! :-)

.....surely you mean "houses they make for scruffy,scratchy,allergy inducing,stinky,bitey little animals are in fact being used by Gorgeous,smooth,warm,funny,stylish,hypoallergenic,occaisionaly wiffy,love biteysnakes"????
Glad you like her Razee-I shall leave her to you in my will
Razee Posted - 05/09/2013 : 09:11:43
She's just perfect.

And yes to Trixie tables, though I imagine the manufacturers would most likely be horrified, that the little houses they make for pretty little furry animals are in fact being used by " horrible, deadly, slimy " snakes that eat other small furry Though, maybe, if they actually got to meet some of the " horrible slimy " snakes, they might change their mind! :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/09/2013 : 01:35:10
Such pretty head markings, and i think most sales of trixie stuff is bought for snakes lol they really should advertise them for snakes, so people not on forums looking for snakie items can find them
mjpeters Posted - 04/09/2013 : 23:09:59
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

Loverly honey yeallow colours ^^

Cheers m'dear-I recon that Pooh Bear could almost be tempted into snake keeping with a yeller 'un ?
mjpeters Posted - 04/09/2013 : 23:06:50
Originally posted by gaz1974

She really seems to appreciate the table

That there is one of them wonderful 'Trixie Tables'-meant for bunnies and G.pigs and wot not-just don't tell the snakeys
gaz1974 Posted - 04/09/2013 : 22:35:42
She really seems to appreciate the table
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 04/09/2013 : 21:22:17
Loverly honey yeallow colours ^^

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