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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ruthy Posted - 03/09/2013 : 14:22:03
Hi all,
I picked Rummy up today, he has no trouble eating and is a very active little snakey. Should check how old he is.

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Figs Posted - 09/09/2013 : 14:55:25
She's a Taiwanese beauty

All of my corns have grown at different rates haha - as long as they are eating, drinking, pooping and shedding there's not much to worry about growth wise
Ruthy Posted - 08/09/2013 : 23:08:38
Been running around all excited today as Rummy has been out and about a lot tonight. We're pretty sure he's over a foot long. How fast do corn snakes tend to grow?
Ruthy Posted - 07/09/2013 : 21:30:58
No aspen in the viv! On paper towel :) . But have chosen holey socks.
Figs, what type of snake is your Rumplesnakeskin?
Razee Posted - 07/09/2013 : 21:13:54
I actually tried to video the Dancing Sock performance then - but couldn't! It was dark, and I was watching with a torch - which wasn't producing enough light for filming - all I got was a dark faunarium. Whenever I put the light on, she stopped. :-(
Baz was only a hatchling then, so all you could see, was a sock, the toe bit up in the air, slowly swaying around the faunarium, only the very tip of Baz's tail poking out. Was really funny, Baz was adamant there must be a way out through the toe.

One bit of advice, though, choose a sock you won't need - you'll have a job getting all the aspen off later :-)
Figs Posted - 07/09/2013 : 17:22:20
Lovely little snake!
I've got a Rumpelsnakeskin too... she's over 7ft long now lol
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/09/2013 : 15:57:01
Originally posted by Razee

Depending how big he is, and how big the sock is, you might get treated to the Dancing Sock performance... that happened with mine :-)

i wanna see that lol
Ruthy Posted - 05/09/2013 : 10:15:24
Oh now I'm wanting a dancing sock performance lol!
Razee Posted - 05/09/2013 : 09:16:30
Depending how big he is, and how big the sock is, you might get treated to the Dancing Sock performance... that happened with mine :-)
Ruthy Posted - 05/09/2013 : 09:12:54
Haha ninja stealth is definitely needed!!
scottishbluebird Posted - 05/09/2013 : 01:32:22
Originally posted by Ruthy

Thank you :) . He's been exploring the viv today, keeps on poking his nose out of different hides when I look in (but then goes back in when he notices my movement outside the viv so no chance of another photo). Think he's enjoying the whole new world in there compared to the little tub :)

its great him being confident enough to explore
you dont have to do the sock scent thing, but it might help, and yes its fine to put it in now, get him used to you, and good luck catching him out for a pic! (use ninja stealth)
Ruthy Posted - 04/09/2013 : 23:40:21
Thank you :) . He's been exploring the viv today, keeps on poking his nose out of different hides when I look in (but then goes back in when he notices my movement outside the viv so no chance of another photo). Think he's enjoying the whole new world in there compared to the little tub :)
gaz1974 Posted - 04/09/2013 : 22:34:44
What a lovely little chap. Hope you guys have fun together.
lupi lou Posted - 04/09/2013 : 20:57:42
Lovely little snake, I had a scented in sock in with my Jinx when I brought him home it stayed in with him for a few weeks, I eventually took it out as I got fed up of pulling it out of his water bowl!
Ruthy Posted - 04/09/2013 : 18:50:00
That sounds interesting! Is it okay to do that while he's settling in the viv this week?
Assuming that idea is to help the snake get used to your scent and associate it with the comfort of the viv?
scottishbluebird Posted - 04/09/2013 : 17:57:17
Best decision, if you want him to get used to your scent, you could put a clean sock in your waistband for a for the day, at least a few hours, then put in with him
Ruthy Posted - 04/09/2013 : 11:45:26
Have decided to let him out in the viv today and will leave him a week :)
Ruthy Posted - 04/09/2013 : 08:50:11
So is it okay for me to spend a couple of weeks starting now getting him used to being handled a bit, then let him have a week to himself after I let him out into the viv?
Will keep an eye out for that pooping.
scottishbluebird Posted - 03/09/2013 : 23:55:38
No, he needs to get used to his proper home, tub does not count
and be warned that the longer he is handled more chance he will poop, look out for the stop stare, tail lift, you will have that warning to get kitchen roll under him!
Ruthy Posted - 03/09/2013 : 21:26:06
He's still in the same tub he was in at the shop though, does it still count on the getting him used to his surroundings front?
Still learning, but that's why I joined the forum :)
coxymk2 Posted - 03/09/2013 : 21:07:39
Congrats on your new snakey

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