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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 30/08/2013 : 16:23:54
Just an update on Lazarus since he's been with us for a few days. Gotten to know his character even more and i love him more than what i thought in the pet shop (i was unsure about buying him) but im so glad john decided he wanted him.
He LOVES his water bowl and likes to take a dip, he drinks so openly every day in front of us. He likes to be all snuggly in his exo terra large snake cave but he comes out often and is very sociable. At the front of the glass looking to get out for excersise.
His muscles are super strong, such a difference owning an adult compared to just being used to my babies.
He got weighed today which was no easy task - i need bigger scales!
He is 744g :o
Now just because i can - PICTURES ^^

He even likes to help with the washing!

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 31/08/2013 : 20:45:34
thanks MJ ^^ yeah it could be, all of mine have monkfields and all are a happy bunch :) They have enough climbing space but its not to tall as you said, so yh id agree :)

I'll have to have a look angel, but thanks for the input :) May have to put him in the non corn section :o aw well :)

Aha thank you SSB :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/08/2013 : 15:12:32
What ever he is is, just lovely
AcidicAngel Posted - 31/08/2013 : 12:27:29
I actually think he may be a Bairds Rat Snake x Everglades Rat Snake looking at these new pictures. I had one when I was younger and once he reached 3ft he started taking on this shape and colour. I see absolutely no corn in there at all. The colour is a little too bright for just Bairds but too dark for just Everglades and his head is a mix between the two.

Gorgeous snake though I'd love to still have mine but I don't.
mjpeters Posted - 30/08/2013 : 22:37:12
Just lve him! Very pretty and sounds like a great temperament too
I really like those monkfield vivs-I've got two of them-one on top of each stack-I've found that snakes chillax right out in them.Do you think it may be because its a more enclosed space?not so tall?
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 30/08/2013 : 20:55:53
Thanks Lupi Lou ^^
lupi lou Posted - 30/08/2013 : 20:44:58
He's stunning such pretty coloring
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 30/08/2013 : 18:31:13
Thanks Moppet :)
Moppet Posted - 30/08/2013 : 18:00:57
He's gorgeous
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 30/08/2013 : 16:46:18
Thanks Lee ^^
Tame the King!
He has the puppydog head shape of a python :L (photo 7)
I wish i knew how old he was, all i was told was that he had been at the rep shop for 6 weeks before we got him.
Lee Posted - 30/08/2013 : 16:34:56
He really is a beauty, I wish I could find gems like that in my local rep shops. I know what you mean about the muscle and weight, my 5 year old is 1170g and solid muscle, VERY different to hold compared to the 30g dudes. I haven't weighed my latest Cali King yet as he's a little aggressive at the moment!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 30/08/2013 : 16:27:45
Well he has the colouring of a bairds rat snake, but we were told he has corn in there stuck on all genetics myself.
serena_08 Posted - 30/08/2013 : 16:25:55
Very nice! Still not convinced on his genetics though, it's his head shape throwing me!

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