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 Getting a bit too attached to Seb...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razee Posted - 28/08/2013 : 11:15:25
I took him in, with a view to possibly finding him a new, nice, permanent home... but it's getting too late. Getting too attached to him - he's out every morning when I wake up, looking out of his viv, or roaming.
He's out every evening, I can just make out his little face, watching me, as i go to bed in the evening...
He was begging to come out this morning, so I took him for his first ever sunbathing session - he loved it!
Took some pics before that - so these are from first thing this morning:
He ALWAYS does this, when I'm getting dressed

Ok, I'm settled, are you getting changed yet?

Morning starts like this: Hello!

Let me ooout! Pushes at the edge of glass - wrong way:


See what I mean....
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lupi lou Posted - 30/08/2013 : 20:42:16
He's fab, can't blame you for getting attached. I was having the 'talk' with the o/h earlier so know where your coming from!
hayleylsl Posted - 29/08/2013 : 18:41:30
Boris did that as well late last night trying with all his might to push the vent out! I certainly hope he wasn't looking for a lady snake at just 1 year of age!
hayleylsl Posted - 29/08/2013 : 18:40:52
Boris did that as well late last night trying with all his might to push the vent out! I certainly hope he wasn't looking for a lady snake at just 1 year of age!
Razee Posted - 29/08/2013 : 08:39:47
Absolutely not allowed the gold dust. Devastated, as missing on her AGAIN. But Seb is just so friendly, I can't let him go...

Little tinker tried to push a vent out last night - I'm starting to think that Bazilishka, being housed in the same room, is to blame...can she be " in season"?
Moppet Posted - 28/08/2013 : 17:47:09
Awww, he's lovely. Looks such a friendly chap
Razee Posted - 28/08/2013 : 16:44:26
Sbb, I should have known..
Razee Posted - 28/08/2013 : 16:43:40
I know....guys, I've got a terrible dilema. I got so attached to him now, that he is staying. BUT. If I could only have couple more snakes, it'd be a female okeetee for Little T, and a yellow snake, pref golddust, or honey, or butter motley. ( Not that I don't want any more, would love amel stripe, and many others )

Some time ago, my local pet shop got a gorgeous stripe creamsicle, and even more gorgeous female golddust - she was stunning, bit like MJ's Sunny, but even yellower! I knew, when I saw her, I really wanted her. Not 95%, not 99%, 100%. But I knew hubby really doesn't want me to have more, I haven't really got room for more vivs ( but would be room for a RUB.... ) I was in such a state, I haven't even written anything on the forum as I knew you lot would only encourage me... I spent 2 days torturing myself about it. Hubby's almost given in, but was very angry with me. I always bug him for more snakes, but this was different.
To cut long story short, I went to the shop 2 days after, almost decided to buy her - but she was sold, and I was devastated.
Yesterday, I completely accidentally came across pics of her. Pm'd her owners, asked about her - AND - she's for sale :-0 !!! Really want her, but I know it's not sensible. And I know hubby will say I'd have to get rid of Seb, And I can't do it now.
He's just such a character.
Mj - he's dark, sort of dirty orange in real life, the flash makes him look lighter...but I don't care now, he's too nice... :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/08/2013 : 14:35:41
well, i could have told you that would happen!!!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 28/08/2013 : 13:20:17
Aww he wants to stay :3
herriotfan Posted - 28/08/2013 : 12:59:06
He's adopted you!!
mjpeters Posted - 28/08/2013 : 12:21:23
Oh Raz what a cracking yellow'un!gotta keep it?
lovely big yellowy bloke

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