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 Freshly shed Hypo Sulphur.. :D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oakleyman18 Posted - 26/08/2013 : 12:55:55
Hey everyone! Sorry for the deluge of photos lately, but this girl deserved a special mention. She has always been my favourite of this clutch due to her temprament, however she is also quite the looker. However she shed last night, and she has blown my mind. She has so much white on her now!! There's a little confusion as to whether she's actually a Hypo Sulphur, or a Masque Hypo Butter. She has a clear belly, but not a huge deal of diffusion, so I'm hoping to make sure I get this right in the next week. However, she's a girl, so will sadly be up for sale in the next week or two. She's my favourite girl... I really hope she finds a good home. Here she is, in all her awesomeness:

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/08/2013 : 21:41:41
aww wee toot.
lupi lou Posted - 27/08/2013 : 16:20:24
So pretty, her colors are fab
AcidicAngel Posted - 27/08/2013 : 14:00:15
Originally posted by oakleyman18

Hah thanks guys :) I told her how you all had good things to say and she licked my nose... I think that means "Tell them I said thanks"?

Aww bless
oakleyman18 Posted - 27/08/2013 : 13:50:18
Hah thanks guys :) I told her how you all had good things to say and she licked my nose... I think that means "Tell them I said thanks"?
mjpeters Posted - 26/08/2013 : 21:17:26
AAAARG my eyes-my poor eyes too much
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 21:03:47
Holy poop! wow!
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/08/2013 : 19:01:08
She is stunning, love the scream mask on her head
Lee Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:32:45
oh right, thanks.
Coal Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:31:45
What a gorgeous snake, though that marking on her head is a little creepy lol <3

Hope she finds a good home. Personally I'd have thought that the fact that you can use a single male on multiple females would make the females more valuable, as more females are needed while males become superfluous. I know that in some species, such as hognoses and Kenyan sand boas, and presumably others, females of rarer morphs are generally more expensive, assumedly for this very reason. With more common morphs though I'd have thought that females are so readily available that this stops happening.

I could be completely wrong though - just what I've assumed so far :)
herriotfan Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:02:18
That really is one beautiful snake.
oakleyman18 Posted - 26/08/2013 : 16:49:19
I dont think that's necessarily true of cornsnakes as a whole. It's possible sometimes because you can put a single male to multiple females, so from that sense they can be worth more (for example, as is currently the case with Tessera's).

The only reason I wanted a male is because I already have a female ready :)
Lee Posted - 26/08/2013 : 16:32:47
Lovely colours, very nice. Can I just ask why people seem to want males over females? Is there a reason?
Moppet Posted - 26/08/2013 : 16:14:57
Very nice
AcidicAngel Posted - 26/08/2013 : 15:24:19
Stunner! I want her

I'd say she looks more like a Hypo Sulfur than a Masque Hypo Butter but I'm not very good with morphs lol.
smart bunny Posted - 26/08/2013 : 13:41:40
Gorgeous :)
SilverWings Posted - 26/08/2013 : 13:22:24
Oo, very pretty ^_^

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