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 Guess what i came home with....

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 25/08/2013 : 21:53:34
So john and i went around the pet shops today, ones that are ust based for reptiles. I like to do the rounds ;D and well first off was a very bad experience :( Waterworlds in aberdeen are terrible. we've been a few times as i like to see the selection and time before last the guy who was trying to sell an anery as a charcoal had no idea when it last fed, or shed, or had any record of the induvidual which reall put me off and today they had chameleons in really small and not very arboreal vivs :( To top it off they had atleast 6-8 baby ball pythons in one small viv and one was dead! right at the very front next to the glass window. I told the guy (same one who dealt with the anery) and he was all ITS FINE!No its alive. so i told someone else (manager) who removed it, apologised and gave the guy a right speaking to. When they removed the snake it seriously stunk! poor guy :'(

Anywho, we left and went to another shop. Where John fell in love with a beautiful little critter. I say little, he is fully grown and maaasive tbh :L
He's a mongrel to which makes me love him more. He is a hybrid corn x rat snake that shows more rat colours to corn :) He looks like flowing lava and molten rock! Beaut. Very active and sociable, Loves his water bowl. Has already taken a few drinks in front of us :o (video up soon). So docile, handles lovely and has very strong muscles :)

So guys...


20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 29/08/2013 : 17:52:07
Thank you :D
mark143 Posted - 29/08/2013 : 17:48:51
Stunning snake. Love the colours.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 29/08/2013 : 17:34:12
Thank you :)
Snakeysal Posted - 28/08/2013 : 23:26:26
Beautiful snakey - lovely looking chap.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/08/2013 : 22:34:26
Im going in to speak to the shop owner this week and to discuss some other things i feel wrong for the shop.
scottishbluebird Posted - 27/08/2013 : 22:04:45
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

Yeah SSB its shocking, ive spoken to the folk, see if they have any good reply/reason and from that i will decide my course.

From what you said, the manager needs to fire that idiot behind the counter
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 27/08/2013 : 21:43:33
Yeah SSB its shocking, ive spoken to the folk, see if they have any good reply/reason and from that i will decide my course.
yalovit Posted - 27/08/2013 : 19:36:06
very nice
scottishbluebird Posted - 27/08/2013 : 01:02:06
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

sorry SSB forgot i also wrote about the bad pet shop experience, assuming you meant that.

Yes, thats what i meant, id report them, leaving a dead one then saying its fine?????
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 21:09:17
sorry SSB forgot i also wrote about the bad pet shop experience, assuming you meant that.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 21:06:51
Moppet - Thank you ^^ We think so too!

loupi lou - Thank you :D

Herriotfan - Haha! made me giggle ;D

Scottishbluebird - why shocking? o.O
scottishbluebird Posted - 26/08/2013 : 19:03:23
That is shocking, but he is lovely
herriotfan Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:01:10
What's the modern saying.....weljel!!
lupi lou Posted - 26/08/2013 : 17:57:34
He's stunning
Moppet Posted - 26/08/2013 : 12:28:05
Wow, Lazarus is gorgeous. What lovely colours he has
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:45:16
I can safely say i think he is a baird's mixed with something else aha.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:43:57
oooo! just looked up bairds and found a pic very similar! OOOO!
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:42:29
ive just been trying to research and i have no clue! nothing matches him! and its bugging me, its not that i NEED to know but im so curious that i just want to :/

Any help is much appreciated :)
Razee Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:13:48
What a gorgeous snake? Do you know what rat snake is he crossed with? Baird's ? He's got such an intricate pattern and nice colour. Very jealous.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:03:26
MJ - I dont know why some people dont like the mixed breed thing. As far as im concerned it has no ill effect on the snakes. Even my Mo is an amel corn x great plains rat and she is so docile and sweet she is basically floppy :L

Lee - I have a friend that works there, im going to speak to her first and if nothing changes, i am going to report it.

Figs - i believe Lazarus means rebirth? :s John picked the name :L

smartbunny - thank you ^^

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