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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SilverWings Posted - 24/08/2013 : 23:51:51
Decided to have a photoshoot while spot cleaning the babies tonight ^_^

1; Pip

2; Liana

Here's Pip and Liana together for size comparison, Pip is eating normally and Liana has eaten nothing yet.

3; Goopy. This is the first one that was born with the unbilicus attached, she's the fussy lady who is only eating chicken at the moment.

4; Wrinkles

5; Johnny 5

6; Osiris. This one is very orange :)

7; Pops. This is the egg that popped, alive and kicking, won't eat though XD

8; Rosie, she is very pretty, lots of white, and more yellow than orange. Not a butter, but she could almost be. Possible keeper :)

9; Checkers

10; Smiler

11; Snicket

12; Curiouser and Curiouser aka Cori

13; Red

14; Neo
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
smart bunny Posted - 02/09/2013 : 19:54:57
Never mind that - have you watched the film yet???! :P
herriotfan Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:04:19
What cute lil hatchies. Very pretty.
SilverWings Posted - 26/08/2013 : 18:04:07
Just sexed them, 3 males (6, 7 and 11), 11 females. I think. New to this whole popping thing lol. I did shine a light through the amels when they hatched, the popping confirmed I was right on all but 1 of them.
SilverWings Posted - 26/08/2013 : 13:24:52
Haha, I shall endeavor to do so immediately :p
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 26/08/2013 : 09:04:16
i agree with smart bunny ;D he's like old school Wall-E
smart bunny Posted - 26/08/2013 : 08:50:44
Johnny 5 is ALIVE!!!! (Short circuit, you NEED to watch it as you are obviously severely lacking in your film education.... :P)
SilverWings Posted - 25/08/2013 : 22:02:46
Huh, I've noticed that many of the babies have a weird saddle or two, where they sort of join together. Most visible in the pic of 14 above, but lots of the others have them too. I looked at the parents, and Diego has 5 or 6 like this. Harder to see on him though, since he is very orange with little white.
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 25/08/2013 : 21:38:22
cute little wriggles.
SilverWings Posted - 25/08/2013 : 18:43:22
Yeah, I do like Red's pattern ^_^

I know the name Johnny 5 is a reference to something, no idea what, the OH named him :p
twistedmonkey Posted - 25/08/2013 : 17:56:12
Lovely babies, Love Johnny 5 wondering if the name references a film from my childhood
smart bunny Posted - 25/08/2013 : 17:38:12
Naaaw I like Red's head pattern best :D
mjpeters Posted - 25/08/2013 : 10:41:53
Very pretty babies ! love little 'Pops'
Coal Posted - 25/08/2013 : 10:28:38
Aww lovely, hope the picky ones start to eat soon :)
Midge Posted - 25/08/2013 : 09:00:56
lovely looking snakes :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 25/08/2013 : 01:15:05
They are adorable

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