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 Fabulousness-and Trouser snake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mjpeters Posted - 18/08/2013 : 11:47:05
Here we have Ophidophobic Robbie,

Looking Fabulous with that utter charmer Nigel

Thoroughly seduced by the lushness of lovely Sarum aka the Lesser Trouser Snake
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mjpeters Posted - 22/08/2013 : 08:25:44
Story of my life...
scottishbluebird Posted - 22/08/2013 : 01:23:20
Originally posted by mjpeters

Originally posted by Razee

Unfortunately, mj, it was, indeed on THIS forum.....and not on 18+.... :-0

Possibly they made a mistake,you know got all over excited and posted on TCS instead of the WRONG forum (dread to think just what that sewer of EVIL would be called)
Hard to understand why that kind of folks would be so disturbed by Nigel and a couple of Hoggies.....Best not to think about it

LMAO careful you might get banned!!!
mjpeters Posted - 21/08/2013 : 22:20:25
Originally posted by Razee

Unfortunately, mj, it was, indeed on THIS forum.....and not on 18+.... :-0

Possibly they made a mistake,you know got all over excited and posted on TCS instead of the WRONG forum (dread to think just what that sewer of EVIL would be called)
Hard to understand why that kind of folks would be so disturbed by Nigel and a couple of Hoggies.....Best not to think about it
mjpeters Posted - 21/08/2013 : 22:14:53
Originally posted by AcidicAngel

I've seen that picture... It's disturbing lol.

Now I am afraid....very afraid
AcidicAngel Posted - 21/08/2013 : 20:02:26
I've seen that picture... It's disturbing lol.
Razee Posted - 21/08/2013 : 19:55:43
Unfortunately, mj, it was, indeed on THIS forum.....and not on 18+.... :-0
mjpeters Posted - 21/08/2013 : 17:20:05
Originally posted by Razee

Noooo, Coxy, not such a good idea - we might see a picture of a certain mod in a Red Riding Hood outfit again, nooooo!

Erm,isn't that a DIFFERENT type of forum?....a VERY different type of forum
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/08/2013 : 16:56:36
Originally posted by Razee

Noooo, Coxy, not such a good idea - we might see a picture of a certain mod in a Red Riding Hood outfit again, nooooo!

mjpeters Posted - 21/08/2013 : 15:12:12
Thanks for thatNow I know,he just had to be a Texan-should have called him JR
AcidicAngel Posted - 21/08/2013 : 12:32:57
All gorgeous! Especially Nigel! I do have to say though, he's not a Leucistic Black Rat Snake and Black Rats are quite calm He's a Bug Eyed Leucistic Texas Rat Snake Which can be nasty lol.

Black Rat Snake(Normal) -
Leucistic Black Rat Snake -
Leucistic Bug Eyed Texas Rat Snake -
Texas Rat Snake(Normal) -
Leucistic Texas Rat Snake(Normal eyed) -
Razee Posted - 21/08/2013 : 11:59:53
Noooo, Coxy, not such a good idea - we might see a picture of a certain mod in a Red Riding Hood outfit again, nooooo!
coxymk2 Posted - 21/08/2013 : 09:48:55
Think its time the mods put photos of themselves up so we can see who is calling who ugly lol
mjpeters Posted - 20/08/2013 : 22:49:15
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Originally posted by mjpeters

Originally posted by Sta~ple

The snakes eyes look like they are gonna pop out :P

Very nice through There is something serious wrong and ugly with the last one. I think it may have slithered into a wall at full force poor thing :( :P

Right:Nigel is a Black rat snake so naturally big eyed-Somehow when they are leucistic too,those big eyes go all bugg eyed.
The Hoglets are that shape because its an adaptation to their burrowing behavior.
I'm a little shocked and saddened to see these comments from a MODERATOR Aren't we better than that? I mean its not as if you would call those upstanding enforcers of highway speed restrictions and inspectors of tyre depth pigs now is it?

I know, its SHOCKING that MODS pick on certain snakies, shocking, just shocking

Well I suppose the charitable thing would be to think that those poor maladjusted vaguely malicious folks are really just a tad envious of ALL that FABULOUSNESS-I mean those simply splendid Hoggies AND the Gorgeous Nigel in the same post!!!
Now the only kind way forward would be to breed a lovely clutch of 'Nigellettes' then everyone could have one ...where did I see that 'Nigella' for rehoming?
mjpeters Posted - 20/08/2013 : 22:41:16
Originally posted by ScaryVonHayleystine

Hey Nigel....psst hey....Haters make you famous ;D a Fabulous 'Oscar Wilde'kind of way
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/08/2013 : 22:06:43
Originally posted by mjpeters

Originally posted by Sta~ple

The snakes eyes look like they are gonna pop out :P

Very nice through There is something serious wrong and ugly with the last one. I think it may have slithered into a wall at full force poor thing :( :P

Right:Nigel is a Black rat snake so naturally big eyed-Somehow when they are leucistic too,those big eyes go all bugg eyed.
The Hoglets are that shape because its an adaptation to their burrowing behavior.
I'm a little shocked and saddened to see these comments from a MODERATOR Aren't we better than that? I mean its not as if you would call those upstanding enforcers of highway speed restrictions and inspectors of tyre depth pigs now is it?

I know, its SHOCKING that MODS pick on certain snakies, shocking, just shocking
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 20/08/2013 : 20:34:00
Hey Nigel....psst hey....Haters make you famous ;D
mjpeters Posted - 20/08/2013 : 20:05:22
Originally posted by Sta~ple

The snakes eyes look like they are gonna pop out :P

Very nice through There is something serious wrong and ugly with the last one. I think it may have slithered into a wall at full force poor thing :( :P

Right:Nigel is a Black rat snake so naturally big eyed-Somehow when they are leucistic too,those big eyes go all bugg eyed.
The Hoglets are that shape because its an adaptation to their burrowing behavior.
I'm a little shocked and saddened to see these comments from a MODERATOR Aren't we better than that? I mean its not as if you would call those upstanding enforcers of highway speed restrictions and inspectors of tyre depth pigs now is it?
Sta~ple Posted - 20/08/2013 : 19:37:04
The snakes eyes look like they are gonna pop out :P

Very nice through There is something serious wrong and ugly with the last one. I think it may have slithered into a wall at full force poor thing :( :P
mjpeters Posted - 19/08/2013 : 23:15:16
HEHEHE Meany Heads!!

On a different note,I actually saw a "Nigella" for rehoming yesterday-
"Nigellettes" anyone??
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/08/2013 : 21:10:15
Originally posted by mjpeters

SBB is right-"A thing of beauty is a joy forever:
Its loveliness increases;it will never pass into
nothingness;but still will keep a bower quiet for us;
and a sleep full of sweet dreams ,and health,
and quiet breathing....."
apologies to Keats-
really every snakey NEEDS someone to lve him surely?

wow, much better than i would haave put, id just call them Meany Heads lol

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