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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Moppet Posted - 01/12/2012 : 10:32:32
Today is feed day for Apollo so I have weighed and measured him. I'm amazed at how much he has grown since I got him in May.

This is when I first got him home. He was 17g and had been fed on a maintenance regime for the first year of his life.

Here he is today . Now 81g and being fed on a much better schedule. In the last month he's grown 10cm in length! He's now 70cm long (~27 1/2" for those of you who prefer that).

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john28483 Posted - 01/12/2012 : 18:43:48
stunning looking snake!!
kev 5 Posted - 01/12/2012 : 18:35:11
he's looking good
cobweb251 Posted - 01/12/2012 : 18:09:35
looking very healthy
scottishbluebird Posted - 01/12/2012 : 16:08:21
What a difference, really beautiful
Moppet Posted - 01/12/2012 : 14:50:11
Thanks for the nice comments I'm so relieved that his first year of life doesn't appear to have affected him in a negative way, hopefully he will grow normally now that he is being fed normally. He does seem to be trying to make up for lost time!
Razee Posted - 01/12/2012 : 12:31:54
Crikey, what a change! Just shows how much they can catch up, when fed properly. 17 g at year old - and then getting to 81 in half a year! Developing some nice yellow, too :-)
Emmzi Posted - 01/12/2012 : 11:45:12
Lovely looking snake you have there he's looking great :)
Moppet Posted - 01/12/2012 : 10:47:23
Thanks The yellow nose has only just appeared, I only noticed it for the first time today so it may get yellower
herriotfan Posted - 01/12/2012 : 10:39:01
He's doing well. I love the hint of a yellow nose! Smashing snake.

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