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 Some updated shots of this years babies.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SexyBear77 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 15:45:27

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SexyBear77 Posted - 28/11/2012 : 19:28:36
Paradox isn't genetic, or at least it hasn't yet been discovered that it is. But yes, seeing as I got 2, and having spoken to the mums breeder she appears to be from a line of charcoal that has previously thrown these out, then with luck next season I will get more and then we could say it is possibly genetic.
Razee Posted - 28/11/2012 : 18:02:35
Stunning. So, in theory, paradox being genetic, it should be inheritable, especially if you had 2 siblings?
jenjen23 Posted - 28/11/2012 : 18:02:09
Amazing! Is the Paradox a chimera?
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/11/2012 : 17:45:52
OMG just so stunningly beautiful
SexyBear77 Posted - 28/11/2012 : 12:37:30
Originally posted by Mumhols

Oh I need the third one, what is it? I love them

They are paradox pewters, the first I have found so far so very very rare. Paradox is a freak genetic mutation resulting in pigment being visually expressed when it should be impossible.

Eg: these are pewters, a mix of charcoal (a type of anery, which cannot express red/orange pigments) and diffused, which adds lateral diffusion and a plain belly to the pattern. It should be impossible for a pewter to express red colouration, hence they are "paradoxes."

You do occasionally get paradoxes up for sale, but they are pricey and generally highly sought after because they are so novel.

Hope this helps!
Mumhols Posted - 28/11/2012 : 00:32:58
Oh I need the third one, what is it? I love them
Hissyfit Posted - 27/11/2012 : 11:07:14
I love the first and last ones. The paradoxes are pretty, but I can't get 'blood splattered' out of my mind when I look at them
manda88 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 21:37:19
The second one down is briiiiiiight! Stunning! I want to cry with jealousy at your paradoxes, the male is my fave I think.
gmac Posted - 26/11/2012 : 21:11:07
spectacular paradox results SB, congrats
coxymk2 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 20:51:04
They are lovely thought somebody was playing silly sods until I realised what they were lol
SexyBear77 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 20:24:33
Thanks guys. Both paradoxes are actually pictured, the slightly darker one is the female, the other pictures are of the male.
Emmzi Posted - 26/11/2012 : 19:32:56
Wow they are stunning, lovely paradox, so beautiful :)
Donnie Posted - 26/11/2012 : 18:30:25
Very nice, your paradox looks better everytime I see it
Dancross0 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 17:40:36
Excellent snakes! BTW, a couple of your charcoals have got red on them...
Criminal Nails Posted - 26/11/2012 : 17:25:56
Let me pick my jaw from the floor..!
Lozzy Posted - 26/11/2012 : 17:22:06
All are absolutely stunning but the paradox really does look like its being playing with paint lol
lupi lou Posted - 26/11/2012 : 17:16:31
they are all beautiful!! the little paradox is just amazing
Moppet Posted - 26/11/2012 : 16:17:29
Wow.they all look amazing.what morph is the second one?it is sooooo bright!
oakleyman18 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 16:00:12
That is one hell of a paradox :) congratulations!
paulie78 Posted - 26/11/2012 : 15:50:31
omg i wants em all lol

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