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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rubi Posted - 24/11/2012 : 17:34:19
Well went and bought some smalls today for rubi and they looked HUGE!!! spent ages comparing them to her (which difficult when she wont stay still) and finally decided that despite looking huge they would be ok..although i was still v nervous. gave her one and this is what happened

first ever propper constirct she shot straight at it

seemed a bit lost to start with not entilly sure what she was trying to do here

after a few attempts she got the right end



all gone :)

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hissyfit Posted - 27/11/2012 : 10:59:07
It's always a worry moving up a size. Looks like Rubi enjoyed her first small though
Kyla Posted - 27/11/2012 : 03:01:15
Well done Rubi ^_^

I recently upgraded my corn to smalls too with the advice of the shop I got her from. It looked huge to me when I bought it and I thought there was no way she'd be able to take it on. But she did, and she's had 2 more since then and she's managed fine!

Moppet Posted - 25/11/2012 : 13:43:14
Looks like she coped fine with it I'm with you on the panicking haha, it's so nervewracking when they go up a size.

I think ordering online is only really worth it if you have a few animals to eat them, smaller orders sent by post seem to defrost too fast and you get some soggy floppy yucky mice.

I order mine from RSReptiles as I can order them the day before I want them to arrive (i.e. a day I know I have off work )
rubi Posted - 25/11/2012 : 10:33:10
yeah she would indeed be huge is was 2012 lol. Ahh fair enough i couldnt find hoppers so went dtraight for smalls and looks like all went well...despite me panicking like mad lol. I may start ordering mine online but im at work so much im sure would miss the delivery lol. Yeah fair enough dont blame you
Moppet Posted - 24/11/2012 : 21:53:39
Aaah, that makes much more sense. I thought she was a massive beast when you said she was 2012! haha

Hoppers are a size between fluffs and smalls, not many places have them really. I got mine online with the rest of my order I've just fed Apollo and he definitely needs to go up to smalls. Not even a bulge this time, even though it was quite a big hopper, and he only just got it past his throat before he was looking for another (normally he doesn't do that after a meal, he's not as greedy as most corns). I'll still feed him the rest but I might do a few meals of a hopper and a fluff just to bulk it up a little (plus I have some fluffs that need using too and my little hatchies aren't big enough to manage them quite yet. Aphrodite is close but not quite there yet.)
rubi Posted - 24/11/2012 : 21:14:51
Originally posted by Moppet

Well done Rubi. She's massive for a 2012 hatchie! What a little chunk

These pictures make me think I should probably have Apollo on smalls by now. He's currently eating large hoppers which aren't loads smaller than a small but it is still quite a step up which has me worried about whether he'll manage it. I think he is bigger than your Rubi though... I might finish off this batch of hoppers (3 left I think) then be brave and try him with a small.

sorry my mistake october 2011 not 12 lol :)...see thats what confissed me the shop i bought from didnt do hoppers they said were the same thing as smalls? Rubi was on 2 fuzzies on last feed and first small this time and was fine. They ;looked huge when bought them especially when compared to the fizzies but was more the length thatw as different. I went with the 1.5 times rule and just chose the smallest small that was in the bag :)
EmSquem Posted - 24/11/2012 : 21:06:38
Well done Rubi! Glad things went well for you :)
Moppet Posted - 24/11/2012 : 20:41:38
Well done Rubi. She's massive for a 2012 hatchie! What a little chunk

These pictures make me think I should probably have Apollo on smalls by now. He's currently eating large hoppers which aren't loads smaller than a small but it is still quite a step up which has me worried about whether he'll manage it. I think he is bigger than your Rubi though... I might finish off this batch of hoppers (3 left I think) then be brave and try him with a small.
herriotfan Posted - 24/11/2012 : 18:48:22
Well done Rubi. Awesome constrict
rubi Posted - 24/11/2012 : 18:48:08
haha lol yeah i was soo worried still am actually lol...but she took fine which is good :)

I cant give you exact age im affraid as dont know hatc date but bought her october 2012 as a hatchling

i last weighed her on 13th oct and she was 49 grams, ment to weigh again today (but due to panicking about the small forgot) as since then has gone up to 2 fuzzies and 2 smalls so imagin may have put on a bit more
ean632 Posted - 24/11/2012 : 18:22:07
Rubi looks like she had no bother with that small :)

May I ask Rubi's age and weight?
lupi lou Posted - 24/11/2012 : 17:54:14
that first small is a very scary thing for us anyway dosnt look like it fazed Rubi!!

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