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 Lilith and Tallulah

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Simmy_82 Posted - 20/11/2012 : 12:42:46
Couple of photos of Lilith this morning.

Is it time to get up already...

Ok, seeing as i am up i'll bust some shapes...

Ermmm, that furry this is a bit big, im gonna hide up here...

Thanks for looking
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Katie.Dublin Posted - 24/11/2012 : 20:26:06
Awh bless lol. Its like a reverse of mine! Giant cat and little snakie!
Simmy_82 Posted - 22/11/2012 : 21:16:20
Oh yeah the glass one, she doesn't drink out of her own bowl. Leave a glass of water and its straight in!

Mrs Simmy chose the name. However she was a he for the first two weeks..... Bruce lol
Blaze14 Posted - 22/11/2012 : 18:30:49
Haha love the glass one! And bet she loved that heat mat. Tallulah is an awesome name.
Simmy_82 Posted - 22/11/2012 : 14:55:33
Tallulah is on hell of a curious cat. She'll sit and watch Lilith for ages. Tap the glass even the side of teh viv thinking she can get her. Will try video it next time.

Tallulah will get into anything new, bags, handbags boxes, if its open its fair game...

EDIT: Prime examples...

Blaze14 Posted - 22/11/2012 : 14:37:38
Hehe your kitty is stood like a people! Before I had my corns I looked after a friend's royal - My cat came into the room to see what all the fuss was about, looked into the tank only to find this huge strange beast and promptly did some sort of terrified back flip and ran out the room!
Moppet Posted - 21/11/2012 : 23:40:24
Great pics Pretty snake and pretty kitty too
Donnie Posted - 20/11/2012 : 20:48:21
Nice pics
Lozzy Posted - 20/11/2012 : 19:47:46
She is gorgeous!!

Thanks for making me smile
Simmy_82 Posted - 20/11/2012 : 19:17:51
Think she's Bengal cross breeded with a tabby.
lupi lou Posted - 20/11/2012 : 17:36:41
nice pics, pretty little kitty
Dancross0 Posted - 20/11/2012 : 17:14:53
Great pics! I do like tabbys; I've got a similar 'morph', but with white paws...
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/11/2012 : 16:30:26
Love the last pic!
Simmy_82 Posted - 20/11/2012 : 13:21:09
You'd probs lose an arm if you tried to hug her. Savage beast that she is.

EDIT: She is also the size of a mountain, so is easily huggable...

Been dieting a month and lost no weight, so reduced food further.
manda88 Posted - 20/11/2012 : 13:08:15
Your cat is adorable, I want to hug it!!
herriotfan Posted - 20/11/2012 : 12:55:31
Love it!! Thanks for sharing and making me smile....

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