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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:02:32
After a long wait....

Why do cats think everything is for them...Maddie quickly grabs a spot for herself.

Half done,just deciding on a new mat stat, or wait until Falco is big enough to move in before starting on the second viv.

Voldemort ventures out after dinner, not sure of his new home.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kev 5 Posted - 15/03/2012 : 19:39:37
looks good
Okeetee Mick Posted - 15/03/2012 : 19:13:18
Looks good
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 16:29:42
Originally posted by manda88

[quote]Originally posted by manda88

Aww awesome! Can't wait to see how his colour looks, has he gone really peachy pinky?

He has gone very peachy, not as pink as he was. Just taken some pics so will put them on for you
manda88 Posted - 15/03/2012 : 15:45:22
Originally posted by Hissyfit

Originally posted by manda88

I proper LOL'd seeing the cat sat there like 'COME NEAR ME AND DIE!!' hahaha, cats are just hilarious!
The viv looks great, how is Falco doing? Has he grown much?

Falco is doing well, and been on fuzzies for quite a while now. He's really calmed down the last few weeks, and has really changed colour too he's 20" long now. I'll have to try to get some decent pics of him to let you see, he's such a pretty little thing

Aww awesome! Can't wait to see how his colour looks, has he gone really peachy pinky?
smart bunny Posted - 15/03/2012 : 14:38:20
Ah I see, nice one
Lili Posted - 15/03/2012 : 14:33:36
they look great!
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 14:09:03
Originally posted by smart bunny

That looks cool! What vivs are they? Lol at Maddie and Miki!

Thanks.I had them made by a carpenter, so not an actual make. I'd searched everywhere for white vivs, so this was the best solution for me
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 14:05:36
Originally posted by manda88

I proper LOL'd seeing the cat sat there like 'COME NEAR ME AND DIE!!' hahaha, cats are just hilarious!
The viv looks great, how is Falco doing? Has he grown much?

Falco is doing well, and been on fuzzies for quite a while now. He's really calmed down the last few weeks, and has really changed colour too he's 20" long now. I'll have to try to get some decent pics of him to let you see, he's such a pretty little thing
manda88 Posted - 15/03/2012 : 13:55:55
I proper LOL'd seeing the cat sat there like 'COME NEAR ME AND DIE!!' hahaha, cats are just hilarious!
The viv looks great, how is Falco doing? Has he grown much?
smart bunny Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:58:57
That looks cool! What vivs are they? Lol at Maddie and Miki!
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:38:17
Originally posted by Mamma

that looks great! Mammasgirl was handling Blitzen last night... and low and behold one of our cats (Miki the insane one) plonked herself in his rub

Ha ha, Maddie's a nightmare, she's so nosy and thinks she can make a claim on anything new..she's taken over the big dog bed, poor dogs daren't go in when she's sleeping in it or they get a swift scratch up their backsides and the poor things jump a mile
ScalySituation Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:34:17
really nice :)
Hissyfit Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:33:27
Thank you
Mamma Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:32:27
that looks great! Mammasgirl was handling Blitzen last night... and low and behold one of our cats (Miki the insane one) plonked herself in his rub
kdlang Posted - 15/03/2012 : 12:25:05
That looks lovely

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